
@stupid face: If playing games is going to be part of the appeal of this... thing, it better be able to stand up to the competition. Sony is competing with itself by having two systems out there. And have you seen Infinity Blade? Most people that carry a phone already have a phone. If this thing doesn't blow their

@stupid face: What's the design of the psp2 have to do with it's battery life?

@firstprime: I think he meant power and I don't get how that's not still a problem for this phone.

Why didn't they just make the psp2 a phone?

I could design a better bike!

If you're going o have sex in a game have it in there. Just make the whole thing optional.

@PrinceLUDA21: I like the effect when it isn't used in a cheesy way. Also, video games, I play a lot of them.

I will be getting a 3D (glasses free preferably) Tv and Computer monitor once prices are down for the sizes I want. At least 50+ inches for the TV and 2o+ for the monitor.

@BluScrnOdeth: You mean like arguing on the internet about how somebody else lives their life in a harmless way that you just don't approve of? Yeah that would be retarded.

Nice try NRA, you can keep your guns.

Pro Tip: Color the tip orange so's you don't get shot by some trigger happy cop.

I have 3D glasses that I wear around the house... you do know you work on a site that caters to nerds with time on their hands?

Don't worry kids, one day the old man will ask for help, and you can knock his f@#%ing teeth out instead.

@doeman: What afterlife? And anyway, people will note his death, unlike you I'd bet.

How hard is it to get disapproval from an old lady anyway?

I hate these sorts of articles. You could die anytime, do what you want with your life while you still can.

@quillaja: I've been thinking about this for a while now, best I can come up with is an augmented reality setup with a wearable (preferably unobtrusive) display set up to overlay my normal sight. Thing is that's as far as I got, nobody seems to be working on this, I feel like someone with a REALLY obscure fetish.