
@arionfrost: Yes, I hate videogames, I only spent enough time with Mass Effect 1&2 to learn enough to dump on it. Will that help you sleep?

@arionfrost: Learn to lose an argument with some grace.

@rathorial: My biggest problem is with the humans.

@arionfrost: My thinking cap? Ok so explain why there's no pressure helmet on them. When you go into a hostile environment they just slap these little gas masks on. Oh and Shepard? He goes with a full helmet. Cerberus tech? Samara and Jack do it too. Mass Effect fields keeping the pressure up? Then why doesn't Shepard

Too many spray-on outfits in Mass Effect 2.

@waclark57: Nah I'm also use to being able to pick up programs from the net.

My computer went down hard so I got an asus netbook to pay the bills.

If apple takes over I'll quit portable gaming... or build my own.

I keep things on my keyboard.

@Kotakufan777: Yeah, but playing the game I already bought would be nicer.

Honestly, even with it's major downsides the 3DS is still outshining this thing.

Yellow Jacket? I think you meant jumpsuit.

Well it certainly generated buzz if nothing else...

Still a bit big for my needs...

@SBP1: Yeah but he didn't know this was a kid, or even a sane kid.

@Beatcamel: I just hate to see stuff like this, some kids see this and think drugs are a shortcut to creativity.