
@19XX: Actually he's responsible for everyone of them, the drugs did nothing to enhance his creativity. That's all a myth. Sober little part-time artist me has more creativity than this guy has shown here and I'm been inspired to do better things by noticing random patterns in nature staring at the back of somebody's

@Bismod: What afterlife?

@Beatcamel: Or you know, all those talented artists that aren't using drugs to try and squeeze some creativity out of their bland little noggins.

Me? I like a good nap to get to cobwebs out and usually a have a crazy dream that I can use in my work, which is a bonus.

@toleroapto: took the words right out of my mouth.

I had to hover over the links for this to make any sense.

@Renzo: Well to be fair, you will be if you do anything.

@SBP1: On the other hand, he knows where he works.

@snapper.fishes: Or you know, get rid of anonymity on the internet.

On the other hand there are murderers out there.

Aww man, how is this suppose to help?

This looks great and all but a lifetime of video games in place of social interaction has left me unable to read emotions. Seriously all I know is red mouse-over means I can kill them.

@Cabs21: I'd certainly take his reviews if he had the option to bite my hand off or fire his chin at my head.

@Jackstick: I was thinking the same thing, I'd have my socks implanted if I could.

I'd rather have props than jets.

They could have taken a more flattering pic of that girl.

@Shiryu: That works better than it should.

Crayfish only get about an inch and half here, or at least that's all I caught as a kid. I always put them back when it was time to go home.

More eerie is the idea of being that close to a star.