
I wish we had kept our tails. But I guess they were too convenient as predator handles.

Not entirely comfortable with the light tone of this post. Maybe if it was a guy pushing 40 and a 13 girl you'd take it seriously?

I don't know how spectacularly dumb this is (meh), but it sure is sad.

@Zelda did it!: Nah, I'm faster than I look, a snatch and run is the crime I was born to stop and the only one I would even try to since he's not likely to be armed.

@Uracat: So pluck out you least favorite eye.

So it's screwing you out of the starting bonuses and ripping off fallout? How's that even work?

@Xeddicus: Yeah except those effects don't even rely on you drinking it, topical just means getting it on your skin, that stream is moving fast enough to generate some spray. And we don't know that once the glow goes away the chemical (and it's adverse effects) are completely broken down, or if it even breaks down

@saulecker: I know, she started the cycle.

@darkanimematt: Or if like me you already have health issues. I don't even understand why you'd defend this.

you dogs are all racist

I hate her.

"Topical, oral, and intravenous use of fluorescein can cause adverse reactions, including nausea, vomiting, hives, acute hypotension, anaphylaxis and related anaphylactoid reaction,[5] causing cardiac arrest[6] and sudden death due to anaphylactic shock."

The liquid par is that dark blue bit right?

I dub it, "The ass pincher".

@KinoEscalate: That was the only interesting thing on that show, if they had kept that up instead of showing me a pudgy alien stealing stuff with his wang I might have stuck with that show.

@pseudorocket: No, they source their fat from a much more horrible place...

Wake me when I can run steam on it...

@Shippoyasha: They'll screw it up, don't worry I have faith in sony.

What a bunch of crap. Why the hell would I want a PC I couldn't upgrade?