
Wake me when it gets closer to $1500.

Lame, he's not running Rhedd's Heads.

@Orionas69: It's 'douche' yeah that's it.

I have hot hands

I'll get one if it's cheap and smaller than the Kinect

@antonchigurh: I always thought it was a play on 'Black Power' it being the 70's. Really he got off lucky in the name department, look into his origin, hint: he's an ex-con. Thanks Marvel.

@Sunwind: Because it's a never-ending story. It's the same thing with soap operas but you can't replace the cast as easily.

They should tell them to take their ass to china then. Hope you enjoy bootlegs of your software hit the streets before the legit copy.

@RyanBaer: I picked her to survive every time.

@AirmanD: Did you make sure you had all the ship upgrades?

@dopepope: Vinegar and butter being french.

@NorthernSoul: Nonsense, we know what they let us know. I knew next to nothing about GWAR for years. Now I know their names and a bit about Dave to make me not like him (still less than I know about megadeth/metalica) but I couldn't tell you anything him personally.

Tracing paper.

I was worried someone would make this argument.

I've been wanting to do something like this but bonding magnets to my facial bones and ribs is not something I can do with a kitchen knife and my dremel. Not that I haven't carved things off myself before (the craziest thing I ever did was try and carve a mole off my face with an xacto knife, it grew back perfectly),

@Bill-Lee: Yes, if anything these reviews help you hate the prequals with some sophistication.

@Willravel: Apparently this happens a lot from what I hear on the star wars forums.

Graphics look like cartoon bantha poo doo.

I would have thought his son would be, I don't know a better dresser and not an unshaven mess.

@klemoib: That is a ducted fan pack, and really it's too big to be a 'pack' of any sort. The dream of the jet pack is that it's something that can be worn, presumably not interfering in the other tasks you might have to do.