
The gaming world has always been shared, maybe now it's just more two way.

And if they were hoping for my money then they too can think again.

Will get clogged with filth almost instantly. Also, human flesh.

Can somebody point me to one of those hud systems that clip on to your glasses?

There needs to be more articles like this!

I just had this argument. You dress up and run the streets looking for people to assault or worse then you are crazy.

@GamerKT: Little kids beating up adults is super realistic? Never mind a little girl firing a gun one handed. I have a bias against this ip because of it's creator but I think I'm being fair on this.

If this becomes law I will break it every chance I get.

@lazyeight: That explains everything about him doesn't it?

@DrakeDatsun: Ok in that case they should have just stuck a drive in the thing and added the ability to store games on the internal memory. Made it a bit faster and more reliable with a built in screen protector of some kind. Add to that downloadable games, apps and demos and this would have moved more units.

@DrakeDatsun: Open the case. CD's use to be in an enclosure too. Provide a tool.

Should have been maybe $150 and had some way to transfer previously purchased games to it like synching with the PS3 (I'm assuming the PS3 can read psp disks).

Well if I had any doubts, which I didn't, that top pic cured me of them.

I was going to build something like this for my computers.

How will japan respond? With offers to do porn of course!

@Vundal: Honestly if I'm going to spend time on something like that I have 50lbs of clay sitting in the corner. Even considering buying a model is just me in a moment of weakness.

If I could piece together custom Mechs I'd be sold.

Learn every language I can. Nihongo desu ka?

@drift_marlo: I'm pretty sure he did kill people.

I just want to know how that cobra commander mask was done?