

Anyone know the name of those clip on heads up displays for geeky computing on the go? Also, do they make then in high resolutions?

You used a powerful laser on your skin? Are you trying to give yourself cancer?

Or, you know, have brown skin...

@TnOdyssey001: Making fun of sure, I do it myself but nobody is trying to stop christians from building churches.

@Hatebunny: Whenever that has been shuffling of the deck at any company (even when they claim nothing is going to change) I have always been disappointed with the hand I'm dealt. Just let me mope.

@DebosBike: It's a lame improvement. I still don't like the shape of the controller or the placement of that d-pad.

@IIoWoII: [whisper] I will be vindicated.

@Hatebunny: Yeah ati cards are pretty good amd cards suck.


They are idiots. Now I will have to build my new system around nvidia cards.

I need to fix the shoulder buttons on my DS.

@Cynical1: Your parents never loved you.

Title of this should have been "how to fuck up a countertop"

@infmom: Nice try audiologist...

@MagicTrackpad: I've been cutting my own hair my whole life. Where are you from where this would be weird?

This reminds me of a katana. It's an elegant device to do a horrible thing.

Too bad I hate penny arcade.

I hated these, and I never bought any.