
This is a comic book movie, but let's not distract from my taking joy in something I hate failing.... yay!

3 years just to fail, it has a windows key.

Everyone is beautiful if my friends and family won't find out.

I can crack hazel nuts with my hands. I love them just not enough to buy a machine just to crack them.

Good, those look good enough to keep... even though I kept mine anyway.

@grahamillion: American propaganda? I said that and I'm not the government.

@dracosummoner: Well no more than usual, lets just say I try not to laugh out loud when I think about 'legitimate Italian businessmen'.

I would also like to complain without merit about GTA San Andreas featuring so many street gangs made up of minorities.

@dracosummoner: If the law worked in feelings I'd be on probation just for walking around at night

@treesloth: I figure I got better than 50/50 chance on my guess. You a Mormon? 'Cause I got more generalizations if so.

@travtastic: Keeping secrets isn't lying, winning the war is more important to me than knowing every grimy detail. Nothing released justifies this. Blackmailing the government whit what you might release is sleazy, if it's so bad release it, because up to this point I remain unimpressed.

@travtastic: I wasn't talking about myself, wtf? If I were the federal government that guy would be in a black site yesterday. That's why I'm not the guy to be in a position of authority.

@dracosummoner: What? You take a weapon so they give you the money. To be clear this is too much.

Lame, I thought this was real.

So I guess he should have just killed hi co-workers and got a lighter sentence?

@grahamillion: If we say it's important enough to us to effect future agreements they will have to weigh the cost of keeping him vs loosing the favor of the most important player in the world, for an administration or two at least. The real question is how hard do we push, and US public opinion. And if we can show a

@treesloth: Nah not for the guns bit, I just assume you being from utah it's probably best you stay away from any modern cities where the mixing of races could get you all riled up.

@travtastic: You obligation as a soldier is a triviality?

@treesloth: A town with too many democrats and minorities for your tastes I recon.