
I don't like shenanigans with ancient languages in remote locations.

@grahamillion: The more he moves the more visible he is actually. Why would they cooperate? Well if they've signed an extradition treaty with us they'd be obligated to pick the guy up for us. Again the more places he moves the more likely he is to enter a country that's signed one and is willing to actually enforce

@treesloth: Yeah, I don't want you anywhere near me.

I got in early on Champions Online. They are under preforming compared to the other superhero mmo's.

@Arafelis: We already know exactly how many troops die.

@Lex Luthor II: I'm a civilian, didn't vote for bush. This has nothing to do with bush or how well the war is run.

@grahamillion: It's not that hard to find people that run websites.

@thekeith82: Scared of what exactly? Troops and informants getting killed?

@wendigo69: Loose lips sink ships, soldiers aren't allowed to steal and disseminate secrets.

@Barnabus: Makes me wish we were as bad as he likes to think we are. We'd kill him and then just say the leaks are fabricated.

@Lex Luthor II: You do remember Afghanistan isn't Iraq and that the pentagon isn't bush right?

Cyberwar? Why not just charge the guy with whatever crimes he's committed then put him in prison forever? Well not forever as he probably wouldn't last very long.

Seven inches of joy.

@Darth Meow 504: Batman was suppose to be aimed at kids. Batman Beyond was as well that's why Terry is young and has a little brother. Macross ran when I was a little kid, so of course it came first but that has nothing to do with the quality of Batman. Try giving the guys that worked on the stuff some credit rather

Pencil and paper. Maybe those real expensive wacoms are great but I can't afford them and paper is disposable and usable with all sorts of mediums.

@Darth Meow 504: Nah, apart from that insanely racist episode[s?] and a few duds,Transformers is pretty solid and just gets better as it goes along, as much as I love Macros the last few seasons of Transformers are better.... even though the headmasters where clearly meant to sell more toys and made no sense on top

@Kellen Dunkelberger: I think people were just pissed at the crappy animation in the first place and this opened the floodgates.

He just said what I've been saying for years.