
Chicagoan here. I hate living here and I'd be interested in six months of perfect night. Plus I bet we'd finally get to work on decent energy transmission and more efficient solar collectors.

@The MSJ: Unless you are eastern european I just can't understand that last remark.

I'm waiting for Lucas to die before I buy SW again as I think that'll be when they release the cleaned up original movies unaltered.

@The MSJ: I played KOTOR 2 and NWN 2, Obsidian has negative credibility with me.

I could make a more fun and imagination game that a lot of studios. And it makes me sad.

@Reldaw: If so I hope they fire the bathsoft animators.

When does/Can interplay get fallout back?

Would have been better if nothing could see me in that darkness but then I hate stealth games.

Well at least one good thing will come out of him ruining the green lantern.

@Yolky: The problem is money, everyone involved is in it for the money and not the love of the project.

Nobody made them sign the contract, not that the Tekken story from the games is all that great but you could at least hold out for final say on the script.

@Marcem: I would argue that is relevant to 95% of xboxers. That and axe 'body spray'.

You mean besides the chemicals in the bamboo? Oh and the top, and is the neck made of plastic? Not only is that a weak link but also a good source of 'chemicals' to leach into your drink.

@Cheesus Crust: PS3 is getting there. If you dl pulse, which is basically an ad/news thing you now have to sit through an ad before you can watch the thing.


I'd react violently.

They are running plus like they should have run psn. We bought their ridiculously expensive game system and we get nothing but ads for free.

Of course if you don't play online or use the psn store there's no problem...