
@avconsumer2: At that time we'll either be dead as a species and or have left the planet.

I want to grow old with this woman.

Umm, our world will end when the sun turns into a red giant and expands into our orbit.

I'm addicted to breathing, I just can't stop myself and I get crazy violent when someone else tries to stop me from taking that next hit of sweet sweet air. I'm scared this will only stop when I end up dead.

@VorAbaddon: Oh I didn't read your post past the part I quoted. I don't care to argue the point anymore.

The Zune had a designer?

@VorAbaddon: "By you stating that it's a "rip off", you're basically saying: I feel that this company is deliberately misleading consumers into paying exorbitant prices that cannot possibly justify the benefit."

I was surprised at how much I like 7, I even left on all that flashy stuff I usually turn off since it ran so smooth and stable. My one complaint is it's license only allows it on one computer. Come on MS this is PC users not mac people, a lot of us have more than one box running.

There's little to do on psn that doesn't involve giving them money now.

@VorAbaddon: My initial argument is an opinion and needs no evidence.

If I never see bacon again I'll die happy.

You want me to imagine a better game?

Don't bother, I trust those guys about as much as a russian website.

@yanipheonu: Twilight is just one big pedo-fest, why is he in school at that age?

@franckv: It'd have to be bigger for that... Full tower spider-bot. $150 right here for whoever comes out with that case .

I use to like Elves, but the constant portrayal of them as the prettiest thing around has made me want to throttle them all.

Maybe if it had an extra pair of legs it could make a decent robot spider.

@soulsiphon, Malakite servant of War: I played the first game as an adept not using my gun at all, trust me there's a huge difference, even the intro in ME2 is impossible with just your powers. They work as occasional nukes but you need that gun to stay alive.

@soulsiphon, Malakite servant of War: Maybe as powerful as they are in the cut scenes? Adepts are suppose to be powerful, at least the more advanced ones are. The cool down forces you to rely on your guns which if you're an adept is you weakest ability. Meanwhile Soldiers are only limited by preference and that stupid

How hard is it to just display the images?