
Some of that number is me but I'm waiting for the N3DS-XL before I buy another one.

ME was better than the SW prequels that's for sure and it does have the potential to be as big as SW if say it got translated into film as well as Ironman has. I mean bioware made the best SW experience in decades with the original KOTOR.

@soulsiphon, Malakite servant of War: I'll add to that. You can't really rely on biotic powers anymore as they all share a cooldown so even a wizard, I mean adept has to be great with the gun.

Not even going to read this as every study says I should quit my crappy part time job sleep in and draw for monies between sex sessions. I get it but I am a coward and unpopular.

@brijazz: I'm 30 something, I was raised on LP's High-Fidelity-Scratches™

@brijazz: I'm 30 something I was raised on LP's. High-Fidelity-Scratches™

Or you could just put them in whatever way, how often does the sides matter?

@henhowc: Oddly the high point in Van Dammn's career.

This is a little funny as Mass Effect 2 dropped the ball on RPG goodness in favor of Gears of War style gameplay.

Could be worse, I have blood coming out of maybe the last hole you'd want it to and no health care. I'm 30 something and my dad died at 51.

While I kinda want a Dethklok version of the game there has to be something more to the game otherwise you're getting a more narrowly focused version of the same game you already own, oh boy less options. And that is the suck.

I check for paper before I go.

@josephmeraz: It's the only reason I read this story so nope.

I bought Mass Effect 2 but refuse to pay for dlc, the pirates I know have all the dlc and laugh at me.

Just like funco land! Then they'll just about force it on you with some crazy rebate system and it'll be nothing but ads and one or two paid for positive reviews.

I'd pay to learn how he made this.

@Zeuxis: They kind of screwed up Sam's character model too.

I'm sure the general filth and metal shavings in my pillow pushed the fungus out ages ago.

@VorAbaddon: You talk about open beta like it's as easy to get in as a download. Rarely is there the 'pay once and play for the life of the game' option. And you'd probably have to go for that so early in development or near release you're basically gambling on the success and longevity of the game, since I doubt the

@VorAbaddon: Just because they tell you it's a rip off (they don't but that's marketing for you) doesn't make it not a rip off.