
I have had a wee but of a fucked up day and this was the emotional release I needed. Dammit.

I add sour cream. I regret nothing.

I sat down with my enchirito (the original Taco Bell "what the hell, lets combine This and call it This" masterpiece) and my chicken taquitos and opened my browser to this gorgeous piece of journalism. It IS disgusting crap that will make me feel like I want to die in 45 minutes but goddam if it isn't supremely tasty

Yes, please. Do this. I long for the C.A.P. fast food ranking write-up and the ensuing comment drama that I'll be hard pressed not to join. I know from great, gourmet food but godDAMN if I don't love me some mystery meat, warmer wilted, overly salted food in a bag.

I'm quietly glad you asked. Because this particular story lost me a little bit. I'm lily white, so I don't have a cultural leg to stand on BUT I lived in Japan for a year and a half and have hung out in the Harajuku area plenty. My job wasn't far from there. While I was a No Doubt fan back in the day I was never much

Call it "Frisco" to really piss them off. Also, I shall go to this eatery and suggest it to my friends that live in The Town.

Tis but a long drive down I-5. Birbigs is worth it :)

I saw the show by myself a couple of years ago, too! I love everything I've ever seen him do.

She's got my dad beat! He was divorced 5 times, widowered once (my mom). By the 5th and 6th marriage I was begging him PLEASE don't marry them! PLEASE! He just kept marrying and divorcing until he shuffled off this mortal coil.

I thought he sent the video to her that he took of her rape. Maybe that was another case? Sadly, I can't keep them straight :(.

That he and others like him send video and brag to friends shows that we still have a long way to go in educating these young men. They clearly have NO IDEA that they did anything truly wrong. Maybe a little 'pranky' and maybe a little ethically questionable but not legally WRONG. I suppose it could be attributed to

Oh, hell. Nineteen Minutes is the same thing dressed as a thoughtful, gut wrenching tale. How about that.

I have only read Nineteen Minutes and The Storyteller. Neither felt dime storey or formulaic to me (unlike the insufferable Nick Sparks). Are the rest more clearly lady tales? Any you'd recommend that are more substantial?

My favorite part of Maddow's takedown was "There is diversity. There is a Michael, a Mike, and a MACK!!"

I just finished reading the Century Trilogy by Ken Follet. I am really disgusted with myself that I wasn't aware enough of the world around me to feel the significance of the events of 25 years ago. In '94 I did a whole WWII world tour and got it all like gut punches in both Asia and across Europe, but in '89 I was

When I saw this on a local news site my first thought was "Imma objectify the HELL out of you!" and then I thought, "assault and battery, bad". Terrible priorities.

The poor little babies were trapped under my house with no way for momma to get to them. She was gone, we couldn't find her for another few days so a-bottle feeding we did. When we did find her, she had two more with her. Eventually, all four came into the house. They are now 12 weeks old, momma is getting spayed on

I can not help myself. This is one of the two kittens we fostered this summer. I refer to them, now, as hand-raised, artisanal felines. Makes 'em sound faint-sy.

HAHAHA! In that case, I need to speak with his people about getting him a lady goat!!

I didn't even put two and two together. I'm so disappointed in myself and my Facebook commenting.