SoT was the only game in the past year that I have been excited about coming home to, played to completion and been sad that it was over. One of the more fun games in recent memory. Can’t wait for a sequel.
SoT was the only game in the past year that I have been excited about coming home to, played to completion and been sad that it was over. One of the more fun games in recent memory. Can’t wait for a sequel.
Awesome accomplishment. I’m just glad there are some entertaining game play videos that don’t involve the players yelling at absurd volumes at the mic. I love good multiplayer video content (like jelle/kwebbelkop for gta v) but they are nearly unwatchable with the yelling, but not fun with no sound at all.
Seems like “get a ticket for a few miles over and spend a few nights in jail” should be on there considering Jalopnik’s luck with Virginia’s insane legal system.
How hot are these compared to the recent “mystery flavors” with the winning hot ones? On principal my initial reaction is give me a whole bag of the hot ones, but some comparison would be good.
As a legitimately honest sounding dealership owner, did you ask her about her opinion about Tesla stores and her willingness to allow competition? I can’t stand the “upstanding private business trying to make a living” attitude while ignoring that they are trying to stifle the free market themselves.
Honestly this is one that will heal well in terms of basic function. Looks like a clean dislocation, which takes a bit of sedation and a few seconds to put back in place in the ER. While he may need some months off from soccer, it should not affect his daily life in the least after a few weeks in a splint.
Daamn. I've moved bales of hay, and based on LANAAAAAAs post below, that size bale is less of a "juggle for fun" size and more of a "just get off the ground enough to drag it down to the path to where it goes" size. Tough to understand the strength that these beasts have until you see something like this. Badass.
Didn't care about either team, but after that absurd red card, couldn't help but root for PSG. Seemed to only get it because the chelsea player whined and rolled around on the ground despite the fact that Ibra pulled both legs back rather than showing studs.
Seems like the bigger question is who is that woman that was in charge of that event and how can we keep her from appearing on any events in the near future? She's clearly either incompetent or ignorant, and either way needs some learning.
And in unrelated news, the NYPD has just submitted a proposal to replace its canine force with kangaroos. No one is quite sure why.
Where is Dixie on your list? I know it's not brewed in Nola like previously, but it is still made through other breweries, and it's pretty solid for a cheap sipping beer on game day.
Your first two examples were shows of respect. No one (in their right mind....which doesn't always exclude league execs) would be upset at that. But while a fan can be disappointed, no true fan should be disrespectful of his/her own team. I wore the same #15 Jeff Sheppard jersey while watching the UK game in the NIT…
Ok, now how long before someone gets it working in the Oculus Rift. I would pay extra just to add that feature. Looks awesome either way!
Dammit Apple....99.5% of the way to perfection. Probably enough to get me back from android (2 years with the Note 2), but some things still will annoy me. Biggest issue is no Siri dictation button on 3rd party keyboards...wound be really nice. Also a few artificial limitations on widgets. Close call with the Moto X,…
I love my cherry blue keyboard, and have tried and hated the non-clicking mechanical switches, but I haven't had the chance to try the greens yet. Hoping to get a feel soon, might make the switch.
I love my cherry blue keyboard, and have tried and hated the non-clicking mechanical switches, but I haven't had the…
I've driven a C7 and damn. Damn. As much performance as you'd ever want on the road, a GT-R with a V8 and burnouts. I just wish people other than the wax the paint with a diaper crowd bought these things.
Several beers say I only cared about making an AFHV reference. Also as an ER doc I ignore words/grammar/etc on a daily basis. Syncopize is a perfectly reasonable "word" despite not actually existing and "sentences" can be formed with acronyms and abbreviations only. But I do love me some Weird Al.
Don't worry...late at night the Jackalope will get it's revenge.
Okay, theoretical situation. A guy and a girl are at a college party, both over 21, and both get drunk at a party. They spend the night holding each others legs up for keg stands and doing body shots off each other. They end up finishing the night in a blur and hook up. By all accounts both people were equally drunk.…