
Random question from an xbox one user who may eventually get a ps4 (pretty much the anti-fanboy with a gaming pc and ps3 hooked up as well)...are they still banning people from live for cursing on voiceovers? Also, were they only doing this for clips shared through psn or ones uploaded to youtube as well?

VOTE: Brother HL-3070

That looks great. I've been looking for a good holster for my Big Shears ( that is quicker than the OEM one and doesn't require a belt so that I can wear it with my scrubs. Might buy a few sheets to try to make one. Thanks!

Meh, they blew something up to illustrate an advertising point. Didn't hide that it was a commercial. Good for them for making money.

Awesome, thanks! Yeah, I think running back, even though it's time consuming, may be the best option at times if I get enough souls to level up or buy something I want. Never played the first dark souls (or daemon souls), so I'm coming in blind. It's fun so far but very slow going. Guess I gotta just trudging on.

So as a new player to the dark souls games, I ran into an issue last night as I started playing. If I get through a couple enemies with only a tiny amount of health left, but I know that I can defeat those enemies again, is it more strategic to just throw myself off a cliff where recovering my souls would be easy

Depends on what you call "using". I spend the vast majority of my screen time on the xbone, but most of it is through cable watching sports and/or netflix. I change channels constantly without picking up the remote unless I don't know what channel a program is on. But my gaming is split pretty evenly between the xbone

Now playing

That was the is the actual race:

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Top gear did a bit on this a while back pitting the Terramax vs a land rover in an offroad course. Good demonstration of how the autonomous portion of the system works.

I don't know how you can miss the obvious "Sponsored" label on the posts. I can honestly say that I have been using the site on a daily basis since sponsored posts started. Almost every day I scroll back to the last story I remember and open any stories I want to read on new tabs up to the latest story. Not one time

This pick might seem a bit absurd, but the rule 34 draft picks get downright creepy.

Don't know much of anything about Japanese. Is it common in conversation to just take english words and add -o onto them, like when Kenny comes in and says "Princess Kenny reporto", or is that just an anime thing? Or does that just happen to be the actual Japanese word?

I just went back to play Bully: Scholarship Edition from steam for less that $10 and it still stands up to the test of time. Love that I can go from that to Battlefield 4 on Ultra on a PC I built over 1 year ago (3570k w/ 4gb gtx 680 + 16 GB ram). Enjoying both for very different reasons.

Wait, so a) there are absolutely no pronouns that define this example as a letter from a man to a woman, and b) this is not the only letter available? The only thing that seems sexist is a person's interpretation that this must be from a man to a woman.

Based on how he looked and the reports, subarachnoid hemorrhage was top on my list of possibilities vs migraine or stroke. That can give you relatively sudden onset terrible headaches and photophobia (worsening of pain with light, which would explain his closed eyes). I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up with a

So my question will be if you can have the system software installed on multiple hard drives and simply swap them out. If they make that process relatively easy (with some sort of external latch over the HDD bay), that would work. You just keep your hard drives labeled with what games are on them and switch them out

I have the same issues. The free and clear is great for laundry detergent. One of the best changes I made was changing soap to the plain Dove soap without any fragrances or color. Definitely helps. And make sure you take some with you on trips, because hotel soaps are horrible about irritating skin.

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Seems like this would have been a far more appropriate soundtrack.

So news: JK suspended for USMNT gold cup final. That leads to the questions....who the fuck cares about a soccer coach for a single game? Is there really that much to be done with only 3 subs a game? Never played soccer, so can anyone actually say if missing a coach on the sideline matters at all? Clearly there is

Good point...on the local/offline side, I try to bring all my photos into lightroom for organization and distribution (almost always to flickr and selectively to other locations), although I do miss my cell phone photos this way. ITTT seems to be mostly for online content, but I'm sure there's some way to set up my