
With Flickr offering 1 terabyte of online storage with unlimited monthly bandwidth now for a free account, why not just upload every photo you have and distribute from there? The new interface is great for organizing and viewing, and you can set privacy levels for photos you just want to archive and not have other

If you have a group of people that you know well and know you'll be out with many times in the future, the most fun is to play Credit Card Roulette. Especially good with a bar tab that has been running for several hours with people losing track of what they had. This does require a waiter/waitress who is willing to

Agreed. But the major point is why does a grown man care if other people are annoyed at him bringing a glove/jersey into a park?

Since that was clearly not an actual shot attempt, shouldn't that be traveling for a pass to himself? Definitely 4-5 steps between throwing it up and catching it. I had an absurdly athletic teammate in high school that got called for that despite how sick the play was.

Gorgeous table, but I will say it looks like the exposed light bulbs closest to the sides look like they could be easily taken out by an errant knee from a player sitting at the table. And the light switch under the center post is not exactly in a practical locations....for all the craftsmanship, it seems like a much

The first thing I thought when I saw the photo was that they look like a pair of P5's that ate a few too many big macs. I really like the look of both, but my P5's are too good to even consider buying a new pair of headphones.

Agreed on waiting for the Pro. Everything negative in this review (except the opinion on the keyboard, which I will have to try myself) seems to be related to only the RT version. Plus you get a stylus with that, which despite Jobs' objections, I find extremely useful. I'm pretty much just counting the days until I

Why do the images for the flight sim not seem to line up? Only half of the cockpit gauges are shown, and none of the middle three monitors seem related to each other. That would confuse the hell out of me.....if I was running a setup like this, it would be so that I could have the exact same view you would get out of

VOTE: Tul retractable fine ball point pens. Smooth flow, very narrow line, doesn't wear your hand out to use like the Bic ball point but ink doesn't smear like a roller ball or gel ink pen.

Great article! Wish this type of thing could be taught as part of our educational curriculum starting in middle school and continuing into high school. It would be great if non-medical people had a bit more knowledge about how to think about their health problems. It's amazing how often we see minor colds come into

Thank god someone noticed that. It's not pro-apple or pro-anyone. The first sentence contains the word "hilarious" and the whole thing is sarcastic. So is the source. Thanks for actually reading the post and thinking before posting.

My girlfriend has the same name as a famous person (but isn't actually that person), so google-ing brings up results for the celebrity for at least the first 5 pages. And even adding city names onto the search just brings discussions about her from local papers. So that can complicate the situation. But I will say I

If you're looking for color printing, I'd still recommend going with laser and buying the Brother 3070cw for $200-230. Occasionally you can buy it cheaper. I've had it for about 1.5 years, zero maintenance even after a long-distance move in a hot truck, and on the original toner cartridges after several hundred pages

I'm guessing that was the docs tracing out the extent of the swelling/erythema so they could see if it was improving or getting worse. You can see the line drawn at the knuckles as well.

No need to wonder....the original article by Mat that spells out all of the details is definitely worth the read. It answers most of your questions, including the fact that the credit card digits were how Amazon plays into the equation. While he admits some fault, it's pretty clear that some security flaws played a

Vote: Nike+ Running. Great integration with music player and mapping of runs. Also includes weight based calorie counter.

I would take the guess that the technology would just tell the refs who was in an offsides position at the moment of a pass, and it would be up to them to make the call as the whether that player was actively involved in the play.

The problem with off-sides using a chip in the boot is that the call is based on the part of the body furthest upfield, not the feet. On any given move this could be the head or the shoulders, and it would be very difficult to put a chip on every part of a player's body.

My trusty RAW-shooting S95 and I disagree with you on that one. If I go out with a group and want to come back with decent photos, I can throw it in my pocket and do the editing the next day. You don't want to be the person that shows up to the party with the DSLR strapped around your neck unless you are being paid to

I'm thinking the opposite. The pressure will be on the manufacturers to improve the camera in the phone. With many of them already hitting between 5 and 8 MP, there is not much of a need to improve the pixel density of the sensor. You don't want much more than this for social media uploading, and it is already more