
Looks like the enclosure connects via USB, which is a bummer for the old Airs that only have USB 2.0. I would definitely jump on this next year if they made it a bit more expensive with the thunderbolt connector. But maybe by that time someone will have beat them to that.

Wouldn't a lot of people be upset with someone creating a database of all wireless signals by GPS location? Sounds a lot like what people got all worked up over google doing. Personally I don't care and you can map out exactly where my router is, but it has been an issue with some people in the past.

I chalk a lot of that up to the timing of the announcement. Big difference between 1pm Eastern (Apple) which leaves the rest of that same day to talk about it on both coasts, and 3:30 Pacific (MSFT) which pretty much finished up as everyone on the east coast was going home for the night.

Next steps (which would take much longer):

In all fairness, this is much closer to the Macbook Air than the iPad in that it supports a full OS with hardware intensive software developed for it. And when Apple's laptops are announced, they do discuss the full hardware specs. Developers make software for the iPad with the hardware constraints in mind (since

I see my reading of Lifehacker as much more of a training on how to think rather than how to live life. Occasionally there are amazing tips that actually do change how I do things (hello stop-stop-play for DVD's). But more often it is about getting into the mindset of identifying the tasks the I do most and finding

Also I should note....before you close any cut, definitely rinse it off. Studies have shown that tap water is just as good as sterile saline, so running it under the sink will work. If it's dirty to the point of having debris in it, either don't close it (for small cuts where the bleeding has stopped) or get medical

Superglue is a cyanoacrylate adhesive. So is Dermabond, but dermabond is slightly different (2-octyl-cyanoacrylate vs ethyl-2-cyanoacrylate). Dermabond is slightly less likely to be irritating to skin and less toxic if somehow absorbed in large amounts, but these are rarely an issue for small cuts.

I don't think he's talking about the difference between 8 and 14 MP. That's a pretty significant jump (75% increase). On cameras today at the "prosumer" level, the decision frequently comes down to 18 vs 22 or 24, and unless you are doing serious, large-format print work, that will not make a difference to you, where

But will hitting stop-stop-play when starting the movie still skip past everything right to the film? This has to be one of the simplest but coolest tips that has come out of Lifehacker for me. Great to be able to pop the DVD in and go.

I thought that was going to be what the article was about when I read the title. I think on day-to-day basis, that's a much bigger concern and certainly does affect obese people more. Passenger airplane crashes are rare....DVTs are not.

I have had a Macbook Air (128GB SSD) for about a year and upgraded my Mac Mini to 64GB SSD + external 1TB drive about 6 months ago. The speed difference is like what I remember of going from dial-up to cable internet service. The time to launch applications and open files is dramatically shorter than it is on my mom's

Agreed...I wall mounted a TV (with pretty large bolts) at both of my last two places. Just spent 5-10 min filling in the holes before I moved out. Got my full refund from the first place, and got the refund plus a letter thanking me for how neat I left the place from the second landlord. And they both were in the

Had a patient earlier this year come in because he had a runny nose and itchy the the south....with a history of allergies...and he hadn't tried his allergy medicine. This was at 3 am. I spent more time trying to make sure there wasn't some other reason he was there than taking the actual

So reading this I was picturing something much bigger than what it actually is. Here is the picture from the brochure that TheGift73 posted.

Replying to promote. That place looks all sorts of awesome. I don't care if I'm not a kid anymore, I'll still head out into that outdoor thing if I go to St Louis at any point.

In all honesty, I'm not looking to ever do anything in the commercial realm. The Udacity course uses python through the Google App Engine system using the webapp2 framework. If I do anything substantial with it, it will be some purpose-built application that would be useful to me. I'll be graduating from med school in

I got their ipad app and have loved being able to pull it up and watch a video or two when I've got some time to kill. Lots of great lessons, and good presentation.

Having now done the 101 class and started the 253 class, I definitely suggest checking out Udacity if you are thinking about doing some programming. They use python for their classes, which is pretty intuitive to pick up in terms of syntax. The 101 class was very basic and you can do it without any prior experience,

Holy fuck-balls! Did anyone look at the price for the Hasselbad H4D-40? I realize it's a medium format 40MP beast, but seriously. The non-"special edition" version is >$17,000, and the ferrari logo stuck on there bumps it up to freaking $29,000+. I can't imagine paying that much for a camera body, and I certainly