
If she uses the full CS5 suite, she may have problems with using Premiere on the Air for video, but if she is just using Photoshop, I can tell you it handles that pretty damn well. I recently took 5 sets of 3 shots at full res with my T1i (16MP), combined the 3 shots in each set with PS HDR, and then stitched the

My favorite for full reviews has been Doesn't look like they have the D60 specifically, but most anything in the current lineup of major brands will have a very thorough review with sample pics on there. And the forums are pretty helpful in my experience as well.

Sweet, thanks y'all. May have to keep an eye out but just limit myself to things that actually seem worthy of an investment. Good to know.

Has anyone actually received one of the inventions that they have funded yet? I haven't funded anything and am hesitant to for the reason described about the iPhone case described above. I wonder what the turnaround time from a funded project to real production is and how good the quality ends up being compared to

For people complaining, here is the process:

You can't turn both of the 4G bands off, but at least on mine (Verizon), once cellular data is turned on there is another option in Settings -> Cellular Data called "Enable LTE", which would at least bump it off the fastest network when you don't need it if you turn it off. Don't know about the AT&T model, but can't

Well it won't let me just click the promote button, so I'll reply to say that yeah....that's a pretty big problem. I guess if you are more of a writer who wants a desk to escape technology it could be nice, but for most people it wouldn't work. But definitely fodder for an interesting DIY project. If you do it, post

I could see doing something like a sniper battle with this on a very big wooded paintball field (thinking like 50 acres type area). Would do away with the distant limitations of paintball and airsoft. Would have to have some sort of radio communication to call out when you think you got the shot or some sort of

Could be great for dads (or moms) wanting to take their kids who are old enough to know basic gun safety but not quite old enough to trust them with one in a less structured environment than a gun range. They could take this on a few "test hunts" until the parent saw the kid was flawless with where they pointed the

I thought that too, when I saw what looked like metal rotors and sudden direction changes only a few feet from his face.

Looks like a drunk dragonfly buzzing around. But seriously, that's awesome. What's scary is it probably takes a very expensive machine to do this but then you have to take the risk of messing up your expensive machine to practice. I'd be too paranoid about breaking it to try anything like this.

Anyone with less than an XL glove size need not apply. That's one wide-ass pistol. But like the 1911 it's named after and based on, it is beautiful and would be fun to shoot. Not at all practical, but definitely fun.

Agreed. I like the fact that a lot of commenters don't hesitate to post longer comments that have more fleshed out ideas. Hell, sometimes they are longer than the actual article and occasionally provide more information. It seemed like Denton specifically called out the voting system for not working, so I don't think

Maybe it's because I don't go to Jezebel or Gawker, but I'm with a couple of the commenters below in saying the star system here is why I actually bother to head down to the comments section unlike on almost any other blog I frequent. It doesn't guarantee good comments (I've made a few quick ones that I realized later I'm especially surprised this hasn't happened more often. Maybe over the next year or two as developers figure out how to use HTML5 better.

I never realized how much you could do with an html5 webapp. I assumed it was limited to things like games and other simple applications. I'm surprised more apps that get the app store boot for one reason or another don't do this instead of limiting themselves to the jailbroken community on cydia.

Got a case for my iP4 that covered the side + back out of the whole antenna-gate fiasco and cover the screen with an invisible shield film. More than a year later and both case and protector are looking worse for wear, but if I pulled them off and put a minute into cleaning the glass surfaces, the phone would look

Yeah, the USB connection works fine for almost any camera. All of my cameras use SD cards, but I have plugged a friend's camera in and it worked just as well.