The camera connection kit is actually pretty damn easy to use with a very functional interface when you plug the SD card in: []
The camera connection kit is actually pretty damn easy to use with a very functional interface when you plug the SD card in: []
Yeah, in all honesty I would use that more if it existed. It would be awesome to be able to do basic noise reduction, sharpening, and WB/exposure/etc adjustments while sitting on the couch with my iPad. I'd give up the "cool" features of photoshop touch like edge refinement and layer blending for these more basic…
Hopefully. They said in a blog post they would figure it out when they knew more about the hardware they are working with. I would love for them to hit the mid-teens megapixel mark like iPhoto, but given the more complex editing tools they give you, I'm realistically hoping for more like 6 to 8 megapixels.
I wonder how long before Adobe updates photoshop touch to take advantage of the increased graphics performance of the new iPad and bump up the resolution that you can work at. Even though it costs twice as much, that could seriously cut into how useful iPhoto seems.
Wait...I'm confused by this. For an individual, you are going to download the same apps on Verizon or AT&T. Are the same apps really bigger on one network than the other? Seems like selection bias to me.
It really can't be stated enough how big of a jump HDD to SSD is compared to processor jumps for most things that you end up waiting the longest for, like booting and opening applications. I thought the Core2Duo on my Mini from 1.5 years ago was starting to feel outdated. Then I found a 64GB SSD on sale for $70 and…
Cool idea...but how hard are those platters to cut without shattering them? Do you think it could be done with a dremel?
If you're looking for a sub-$100 SSD, I just installed this one in my mac mini (have a 1TB external HDD for media, etc) and even with the core2 duo the speed improvement was unbelievable. Definitely a worthwhile upgrade. []
Sweet...looking forward to it. Have they lifted the blackball on you guys and given you invitations to the event this year? Seems like there's been enough time and staff changes for them to let the iP4 thing go and let y'all back in.
Yeah, would be very different if it were an Apple gift card, but it would be tough to find $10,00 worth of useful purchases. Still...he can't really complain. Essentially means he'll never have to spend another dime on apps/media from apple in the foreseeable future.
Unfortunately this is not a cut and dry issue. While intuition would indicate that a move to electronic systems in medicine could only be good, evidence for this has not been as solid as expected. The benefits have been minimal and the costs are very high, especially for smaller practices. Hopefully there will be more…
If you have a mac, get CloudApp. Drag the file to the icon in the menu bar and it automatically uploads it and copies the link to the clipboard. Small memory footprint, so even if you don't use it often it's okay to keep open and is useful when you need it. Don't know about PC equivalent...haven't used Windows in a…
But will it automatically direct me to awesomely bad products that defy logic by actually making it to the market. Where will I find my mixed-breed dog dna test: [] or a clock to tell me what day it is: [] ?
The concept would be nice for some casual trail hiking in warm weather...better for your feet than a pair of rainbows and less foot sweat than boot/shoes. But the $80+ price is a bit much for sandals unless it's something you do all the time. Note that on the source website, there is a slightly less vomit-inducing…
Dammit you beat me to it. Can't help but think of Max Smart with articles like this. Well done.
They'll roux the day they started this trend.
They're just trying to stir up some interest.
Bonus: When not in use in the kitchen they can double as makeshift nunchucks. someone with only Mac computers (except for a Windows laptop I'm trying to sell) I am thrilled to see actual innovation from MS. Just like Android vs iOS, I can only hope good things will come out of having to respond to real competition.
I just started using the chrome extension "Invisible Hand", and it's great. I can still shop for everything on Amazon, which is usually the cheapest, but it then looks at other websites for better prices. I bought an SSD for my Mac Mini this price on amazon was >$90 but invisible hand showed me a price…