So in other words, they should have just done a short e-bay sale and been done with it. And maybe they still can...there is a good amount of time before the game is released.
So in other words, they should have just done a short e-bay sale and been done with it. And maybe they still can...there is a good amount of time before the game is released.
+1 for the CFL tip. My power company has been offering me these for free since I moved into my new apartment. Problem is I f'ing hate the light they make and I haven't had to buy any new bulbs yet. And you have to install them in case they audit you to see you are using can't take them for future use. But…
It's not the gatekeeper/Dev ID that's the problem. It's the sandboxing of the MAS apps. The problem is that they are saying that you can't have access to Apple features (iCloud/notifications) if you aren't on the app store, but you can't be on the app store if the features of your app require anything beyond…
Two different defendants with cases in different districts.
A lot of doctors/nurses/etc who have to live with the well-intentioned but frequently annoying HIPAA regulations can tell you that argument does not hold up. From the beginning of medical school, they warned us that even looking up your own record can possibly get you kicked out of school or fired from a hospital if…
Very much disagree. It's important to not have the Giz crew be full of like-minded people (beyond their enjoyment of tech). Otherwise it would just become way too one sided. As a conservative, I still dislike Fox News for this very reason. Dumb ideas/thoughts go unnoticed in an environment like that.
Because the GorillaPods that can hold a decent DSLR are much more than $30 [] and really good suction cup systems that you would be willing to trust your expensive photo gear with are also not cheap. The $30 gorilla pods are only capable of holding small P&S's.
What size did you make the musical note and what lens did you use? I am a Washington and Lee grad and would love to make the trident (picture hopefully attached) into one of these and be able to take a picture with the foreground in focus and the background with trident bokeh. I always figured I would have to do it…
Was just going to promote this since it's what I was going to say, but the button didn't work. Yeah, this (and the story of the 7-year-old kid) are good reasons to take that to heart.
People that leave cars that break down in unfamiliar territory die much more often than the people that just stay and wait for help to come to them. Every winter there are one or two times that a mom and her kids are randomly found alive in the car and the dad is later found dead after leaving the car to try to find…
I don't know that simple install and run applications like cccleaner or spybot s&d are any harder to use than the ones advertised on the radio. I would tell them to run these two. And if you have access to their computer once, install microsoft security essentials (assuming they are on windows) since it will not…
THANK YOU!! Great article to go out with. The day a blog, and more specifically its writers, loses its personality and nuances is the day I stop reading (*cough...engadget...cough*). I disagree with many (but not all) of the political views of the writers here, but love seeing them write well articulated pieces and…
So my question is how many people fit into both of these categories:
[] is a good start. No tracking and no filtering results based on a profile of you. And if you start your search with "!torrent", it will automatically send you to Isohunt and input the search terms.
Can her current OS run AirParrot: []/ ? (Took this from the lifehacker post from today about getting Mountain Lion features now.)
As someone who just got rid of his iPad 1 and may be in the market for a new tablet in the near future, this would be one of the few things that could draw me away from an iPad 3 to the android market. I wish Apple would do it (as I am invested in a lot of apps at this point), but I seem to recall Jobs saying…
With things like in-camera HDR and panorama stitching, and the love of "retro" photo looks, I'm amazed that this has not made it over to regular cameras by now. Can't be too much of a stretch of the image processing abilities. Would be great to even see it as a part of the Magic Lantern or CHDK firmware upgrades, but…
Looked at the iTunes reviews...looks like people can't actually sign up, but may just be some early bugs that will get worked out. Seems like this could be great for more "personal" interaction (okay we'll just call it sexting) with 2 features.
So that didn't make sense because a) things I put between angle brackets didn't show up, and b) I've got a couple typos in there. What I was saying is there are two "dict"s in the .plist file, and I was unsure of where to add the new lines.
How do you save the file after you edit it in Terminal? Also, there are two ' early in the file and on after and . I'm guessing the texted to be added goes after the first one, but just wanted to check before I broke anything.