
I wouldn't own one of these for one simple reason. I get visibly frustrated at very few things, but video games are in that very short list. Good way to let off some steam in a way directed at purely inanimate objects. I buy cheap, 3rd party controllers for my PS3 because once every few months they will either be

If you don't already know how, learning to code and/or do html/css could be good. Still early enough to catch up on Code Year for javascript, and w3schools has good references for other web design languages. Could come in handy if you have ideas that you would like to implement in the future.

He said it is possible to close the molding from inside (which would allow it to stay hidden if used as a safe room). I would bet that means you can also open it from inside, allowing you to get out.

I really wish there was some way or precedent for judges to recuse themselves for not only a true conflict of interest, but also a lack of understanding/desire to understand the general concepts that the case is based around. It seems like this would fit into the category of them being unable to provide a fair trial,

Or on a mac comman+L. Just learned this a couple months ago and don't know how I lived without it. With the omnibar's autocomplete it only take pressing 4-5 keys to get to almost every site I visit regularly.

Part of the reason the video has so many gaps is the photographer was only using amateur data recovery techniques. He is currently getting the help of other professionals to recover the rest. While there's no way to be sure, I'm guessing he wouldn't do that if he wasn't sure the rest would be more helpful. Guess we'll

Great article...thinking this as I saw the news about the Komen reversal today. I know it may come with consequences, but overall it is likely a good thing that this is happening. The few obviously false reports, like "news" of a few celebrities' deaths, have mostly been quickly calmed with real information, while the

Hit Stop Stop Play when you put the DVD in. Goes straight to the movie. Doesn't fix the issue with Hollywood, but at least gets around their previews/ads/etc.

No layering capability...probably have to export to another program like PS or GIMP. Now lightroom would be good to start with for batch processing of all of the photos with the same exposure/contrast/etc adjustments so they stay consistent.

Yep, those are the curtains. Having two that come from opposite directions makes sure all parts of the sensor are exposed to light for the exact same time. Also allows for shutter speeds faster than the time it takes for the first curtain to open (because the second curtain starts closing, essentially chasing the

Yeah, agree with you and HM above...maybe in review mode now that I look at it through the retrospectoscope. Power switch is on and top display is off (although I don't know if the top display is usually on for liveview shooting). No matter what it looks like way more camera than I could ever justify...still trying to

Why is he using the main shutter button for a portrait orientation photo with that nice battery grip plugged in? Looks unnecessarily awkward.

That's exactly what I was thinking the ELISA test for HIV. For a person at the "typical" population risk, a positive result still is more likely to not have the disease than they are to have it. This would be even more of a problem with a 1 in a million type risk for a person trying to bring explosives on

0.5% false positives (actually the source says 1.5%) at a checkpoint actually sounds pretty high. I wonder what the next step would be if it was positive. If you just throw it away, then you are throwing away what has been identified as potentially explosive material. But if you call in the bomb squad or some

It's very vaguely worded and I bet will lead to a public dispute or court case at some point. I (not at all a lawyer) read it to mean you can't sell the iBook file anywhere else, which they do have to specify since you can distribute free versions without the iBook Store. Seems like you could still publish the content

They were referred to as "course packs" at my school and a lot of professors used them. Will be nice if they transition to a more permanent digital format rather than horribly bound stacks of printed material with nearly unreadable graphics.

So this will be great if they actually do something significant with it. The "deep integration" of twitter hasn't made even a tiny change in how I am able to use my current iPad or iPhone. What should have been the most basic function, tweeting through Siri, takes a text message workaround, so in reality I still have

But what if you're drunk and playing jarts? Do you aim straight for the opponent and then expect to miss, or do you aim for the target and hope your opponent knows how to dodge when you are inevitably way off?

I don't know...if I saw that tweet and didn't see an article like this written about it, I don't think I would make the connection. Not sure they planned to either. It's not like they said "I have a dream...a dream that everyone will have delicious tacos". They didn't hashtag it. Sounds more like a silly question that
