
I used to wonder why it didn't seem like the marathon runners went for more of a sprint as they approached the finish line when I would watch on TV. Now I know it's because they're sprinting the entire freaking race.

All you have to do is see one case of post-varicella stroke in a kid to see why vaccination is preferable to infection. While devastating complications are more common in adults, they still occur, and varicella (chicken pox) is a major cause of pediatric stroke: [] .

Agreed on the release date delivery. I just ordered Skyrim yesterday. It will be in my house on Nov 11 without me having to make a 20 min drive across town to BB and back. In addition I saved the tax and got $10 back (plus a free map, but that's not too big a deal). That's 14-15 dollars plus the gallon of gas I would

I'm guessing (obviously with no certainty) that what you are talking about was multiple injections of Avastin (drug to stop new blood vessels from growing). Just spent a month with the ophthalmologists and got to help with a couple of these. They are very simple and thankfully can be done in the office with just some

I've tried checking my local movie theater websites and all of them are miserable to navigate...none of them mention ghostbusters though. Anyone found a central listing of theaters carrying this?

The best pandora "app" I have found is still the anesidora extension for chrome ([]). You do have to have chrome open, but allows scrubbing and nice compact UI. Highly recommend it.

While the library is generally pretty great, the music discovery abilities in the Spotify app are pretty miserable. But there are lots of other ways to get music and other stuff you can do with it. Here is a very useful Lifehacker post that got me started: [] The best thing for me has been using

I wonder if this was someone who manages a personal and business account on twitter through the same client. I would think after the Chrysler debacle a while back ( [] ) people would stop doing this.

Thanks man! Think I'm going to pull an old touchsmart tx2z tablet out of the closet to try it on instead of my new macbook air in that case. Better to try out the touch interface anyways.

1) Is it possible to use boot camp to try this out on a mac

Great video! Sucks about the hand..done that a time or two myself. Planting the blade and moving the object being cut (like Jason did) is a good way to avoid that.

I've been looking for something like this, but self supporting for laying out on the porch in the rain (no trees to tie to on my 3rd floor balcony). Would be perfect for some outdoor reading. Anyone seen anything like that? No luck so far in my search.

After clicking on the source link, the article title is actually pretty funny and relevant, but a bit confusing without any actual content here. Maybe a bit of clarification? #corrections

But don't blame them when a hungry bear becomes very interested in your pockets on the rest of your hike through the woods.

There's a great vaccine for that now...same immunity, but much lower chance of badness like sepsis and strokes, which can happen even to kids. Kids get their first dose around 1 year and then next one at least 3 months later.

100% agree. This is a blog, and it's allowed to have a personality and an opinion (or multiple given that there are a bunch of writers). Much more enjoyable when you can tell there's a real person writing the articles.

Myself (and Mat Honan in his article) were worried about the same thing, but:

Well that wouldn't be cool at all, and I am worried that this could happen. Although given how many organizations, businesses, etc use gmail, I don't know if it would be feasible. However, I don't think that's the case now, since there is this section at the bottom of the link you provided:

Hmm...will be interesting to see how long I can go without being flagged. I've gone by my initials since 3rd grade, and don't plan on changing my account to my first name anytime soon. That'll be one deleted account if I have to make the choice.