
"if you open the cupboard and realize you're out of nonstick spray." I think this was meant as more of an option if you don't have any spray, although it would have the added benefit of a hint of bacon taste that olive oil and other non-stick sprays won't give. Now wrapping the entire meatloaf in bacon is definitely

That's what she said. Sorry, couldn't resist with that edit added in.

Bingo. Couldn't agree more. And with that, I'm off to bed to get up for a 7-3 shift in the ED tomorrow :)

This specific problem is not CYA, but improper ordering of the test (see my reply to mini_lee below), but I think CYA is responsible for a lot of excess radiation use. Abdominal CTs are probably the biggest culprits in that regard. Definitely agreed on the malpractice reform though. You really only get sued when you

I agree with you that this is more complicated than the NYT article describes, and there was a paucity of peer-reviewed data. But the specific problem that they are focusing on is legit. The "double scan" is not re-scanning pts that had inadequate studies...that's an unfortunate necessity that I don't think anyone

Don't know if I like the sharp point on the bottom end of the Annihilator (far left one). If I'm swinging it to break apart woodwork and tile, I don't want a pointed end ready to slice open my forearm with one off-center/glancing hit. Built in bottle opener is nice though :)

I like not having to tote around more than the iPhone + protective case. But I stay on the 2 year product cycle, and found that the battery on the iP 3g started not making it a full day after about 1.5 years. Used the Mophie Juice Air and it helped extend the life of that phone. If the iP4 battery follows suit, this

Right, their steady income comes from big licenses. But that gives the big boys all the more reason to vigorously defend their use of the license to provide the API to devs. They have to hate seeing the money they spend for the license go towards hiring lawyers to sue their own developers. As they have already said in

I thought I would love that until I switched in iOS from the default multitasking (which shows the icons) to the jailbreak solution called multiflow (which shows previews). Even on the big screen of the iPad, the icons ended up often looking alike (white screens with text), while the icons were instantly recognizable.

Agreed that it probably won't prevent using third-party solutions, but instead be an alternative. Just like Game Center didn't eliminate Openfeint, but just offered another alternative that is a little more integrated with iOS. Devs still have a choice of using one or another, but a majority now choose to go with the

Companies like Lodsys pretty much rely on small developers not having the resources available to defend themselves without risking bankruptcy, right? So aren't they worried about the same thing happening to them if they end up fighting developers backed by Apple? I'd love to see their bank accounts slowly (or quickly)

Excellent! Headed to the lake this weekend with the S95. Should provide plenty of material for some creativity.

Aww, shucks. When I saw hotel in the headline and looked at the picture, I was kind of hoping the robot arm picked people up and put them in their rooms. Could be the next innovation for those Japanese tube hotels.

PPT works if you stick to the "know more than you say, say more than you write" principle and use them to augment rather than repeat what you are saying. I also always stick to black background, white text, and 50 word limit per slide to keep things simple and readable.

Looking at the source link, it's actually "accelerator", and not accelerometer. No sensor feeding info to a computer or anything. But still probably worthy of a video. or worst chair sex ever? Definitely would be a refreshing change of pace, but I feel like the non-cusioned wood along with the possible vomiting could be problematic.

If you are a CS major, meaning you are currently enrolled in school, definitely check your school's IT website out for antivirus software they offer. My university offers Symantec free, and I've been very happy with it...gotta get anything you can out of that expensive tuition :)

It would be great if it was an option for individual users like me (and presumably you) with relatively limited groups of followers. But it could be a problem for even relatively popular bloggers like those here on the gawker network of sites. Those notifications could clog up an inbox and make you miss DMs and other

I've been using this for about 9 months now, and I really like it. Good integration with your music library, calls out distances at a variety of intervals, and all of the maps of my runs have been very accurate. Biggest negatives are that it pauses your workouts anytime the phone rings (instead of only if you answer

Wow, a lot more expensive that I expected. I like the form factor, but the lowest-end model runs $799 without a monitor or keyboard/mouse. Easy to hit $900 or $1000+ with a few options tacked on.