
Yes! Maybe held in a glass box at the top so you get to stare at your impending meal for motivation. Add that to brijazz's LCD screen idea and you've got an entertaining piece of equipment.

I always found these rope/pole climbing things to be incredibly dangerous for the elementary schools that they were installed in. I'm all for kids not being bubble-wrapped in life and being allowed to do things like carry pocket knives at school. But letting kids climb up 15 feet into the air and hoping that they

Wait...does the prize actually require human power? Article doesn't seem to say, and I'm amazed no one else has managed 3 meters of height in a 10 meter square over the course of 11 years otherwise. Doesn't seem like that big a challenge in theory. But I guess that's why my degree is in biochem and not aerospace

As a white or asian person, this may be about the only way to make an application to an ivy league school stand out.

Agreed. I have a relatively low-end Movado (<$500) and love it. It's useful for telling if I'm late or not for something, because most events start on :00, :15, :30, or :45. But more so it looks great with everything from casual clothes to suits.

Wow...I don't know how I missed the Pandora extension before. Definitely superior to having to have a tab open at all times and remembering not to close it. Thanks!

The best way to get rid of a stitch in your side is to just take some scissors and cut the suture. But you should probably make sure your surgeon's cool with you doing that.

No word on pricing, but I'm guessing it's going to be up there. Combined with the fact that USB 3.0 is still pretty new and not on many people's hardware, probably not going to be a hot seller. But give is 2-3 years and it would be a solid way to carry around some data.

I'd pay good money for that...especially the ability to change it's shape depending what I needed and what room I put it in. Enjoyed the creative description too.

I'm glad I'm not the only one with this question. I've heard of the concept of "stealth" helicopters before, but always been confused how something you can hear coming from long distances can get this distinction. I guess it just is not very visible on radar, so you don't get much warning until it's within earshot.

I went with LogMeIn to fix that problem, but I might have to consider your much more delicious solution instead.

Or just lure him into a vat of matches...because everyone has one of those laying around.

Never lived in a big city before, but it seems like you'd have to be really cramped for space to want to drop to this small counter area and number of drawers. Especially since someone who can afford a design piece like this can probably afford a slightly bigger apartment.

+1. Definitely the first thing I'm going to do when I sign on next time. May not agree with his political views, but how he discusses them is hilarious.

Sadly I think I remember the same thing, but I didn't feel like digging through all the articles to find how it was ultimately resolved. Still got the bad press, even though that's not nearly the punishment they should have received for the IT security shit show they ran, as was pointed out by @Riff-Raff. One person

If our blood was running through an animal's circulatory system, then whatever organs were getting blood might as well be in the human body. They would still be exposed to our immune cells, which would see foreign organic material, leading to most likely hyperacute rejection ([] Kidneys would die

Holy. Shit. Is there a way to buy a tattooed pig? Because that might be the most badass pet one could own. Guessing my landlord would disapprove though, so might have to wait for actual homeownership.

Again with computer spying in PA? You would think they would have learned from the Phili school controversy last year. [] .

I would be thrilled if this would work, but so far xenotransplantation has failed pretty miserably, including goat and chimpanzee kidneys and pig hearts. Passing blood through an animal would have some very similar immunologic problems as transplantation. But we are working on it. Here are a couple articles (from

Yeah, you're never going to find my fat (or at least relatively fat compared to your average SEAL) ass anywhere near Boot Camp or SEAL training. That would make med school/residency look like a walk in the park. Glad there are people that can put up with it though.