
Yeah, wouldn't even have to be that long of an exposure, otherwise you'd get way too much movement in the gun and people. Maybe ~1/4 sec? Just a guess. But it is obviously very dark there, so that huge ass scope is probably a pretty impressive piece of night-vision equipped optics.

I have the iPad version and the tilt controls are no better than described in the review for the iPhone. Swipe is by far the better option. Wish the developers could just use the same code for tilt responsiveness as the Labyrinth developers did. That game seems to have them down perfect. Gears is a solid game though,

Still can't replace ESPN/ESPN2 HD yet, which is basically the only reason that I can't convince myself to cut the cord. I'd miss some other shows, but they are mostly replaceable by watching later online. Can't really do that with live sports though. Oh well.

Count me in for one. I've always wanted to see a slow motion shot of the moment you spend all of the money you get for a year in one click of a mouse.

Agreed. I think we could further the "green" movement significantly by promoting current gen nuclear power plants being installed in the right locations.

I have an iPod (early 2004) connected permanently to my car stereo (battery dies in about 5 minutes off of it), an iPhone 4, and an iPhone 3G that is not connected to any cell service and acts as my running companion. I have definitely had all 3 with me at one time, and I could easily see this being stated in an

Even more entertaining is the collection of shit (no pun intended) found in people rectums (recti?).

You can also insert a tube with a balloon at the end (like a foley catheter that you put in people's bladders) in past the object, inflate the balloon, and pull back. Only good if the object isn't like many in that picture and horribly sharp, ready to rip open an esophagus. That's what can be tried nowadays, but I'm

You see the size of the capacitor in this camera (appears on page 2 of the teardown behind the lens release button)? Pretty f'ing impressive. Could really do some damage with that thing.

Man, that would be the worst birthday present ever.

My friends and I would rip the capacitors out of disposable cameras to make improvised "tasers". Usually just discharged them on metal stuff to see and hear the nice pop it made, but inevitable ended up having a couple painful accidents. I'm sure it takes even more juice to power these, so I would hate to receive that

This looks great and keeps all of your stuff visible and therefore more likely to actually be used compared to drawers. Only thing I would dread is all of the dusting to keep that much shelf space clean.

I have really been able to stick to my workout program with the Nike+ GPS iPhone app. More importantly it makes me get back on track after a week off because I see the icon and realize that I really need to get off my ass and back to running. I also for some reason can run longer distances with the app calling out the

Edit: deleted...can't get image that I wanted to show up.

It doesn't really remove even those other distractions, since there is food, your computer (and hulu/netflix), and comfortable chairs perfectly suited for naps at many coffee shops. But the social pressure of being in public keeps you from using those in the same way that you might in your own home. Although I will

The matte finish gives it just enough feel for you to know that the pen tip is moving across the screen, but not nearly as much resistance as pencil/pen on paper. Don't think any solutions really replicate that yet. The biggest change with the screen protector is the feel when using your finger on the screen, which is

I have the Targus, which works great for me. I have a matte (anti-glare) screen protector on my iPad, and this eliminates a lot of the friction that wears the rubber off. However, it's not as long as a full length pen, which feels strange and seems to fatigue my hands when trying to write more than a couple scribbles.

-"storage conditions unique to the spacecraft environment may influence stability of pharmaceuticals in space."

Don't know if you've played Crysis 2, but I just finished the single player game and am headed back for more on the Supersoldier difficulty level. It's not just incredible looking, but also a ton of fun.