
So this seems much worse than many people's problems with the iPad not being able to function without a computer. At least nearly everyone (or at least everyone that would get a tablet) has some form of computer at home, and you don't need to connect it more than every few months at most. Only a limited set of people

As mer7 pointed out, no computer involved in this hold the card in your hand while you take the photo. The picture should look right straight from the camera and you could theoretically do this with standard film cameras (although this would take some confidence in your time estimates or wasting a lot

I'm glad I refreshed to check for new comments, because I was about to make an identical post plus or minus a couple words. Seems like watching a DVR'd show and fast forwarding to the commercials.

And many people are missing that this occurred at 6:45 am, well before the mall was populated. I have a feeling that the security guards that patrol malls at night are a different group than the ones that deal with loitering teenagers during the day, and are much more prepared and trained to deal with things like

The guards or the robbers? The guards were on overnight duty (happened at 6:45 am), so they have to be ready for armed robberies and can be armed without worrying so much about injuring bystanders if they have to use their weapons.

Isn't the "range" of where you get photos from about 150'? So you would have to be really freaking accurate with where you spoofed to get pictures from individual people you want.

I know it's probably just a gimmicky naming convention, but calling the touchscreen model the "Pro" seems strange. Most "professional" cameras seem to focus much more on great button layout and utility, and it is the P&S cameras that are all bringing out touchscreen models.

Ouch, that sucks. So far after 2 cruises with multiple shallow water snorkeling trips and many falls in my snowboarding jacket my Tough 6000 is still ticking, but I'm always worried the next trip will be its last. Great camera for what it is designed for though.

But does it come with a gun?

This was by far my favorite thing to take apart as a kid. Our neighborhood would have a yard sale day twice a year, and I would comb each sale for something like this. It would keep me occupied for a few days of disassembly. Never managed to get one back together in working condition though.

@nosebleed: You could just create a new twitter username, something like nosebleednews (which actually sounds pretty awesome by the way), and use that to follow people who's news is worthy of aggregating. Probably more work than it's worth though.

Don't know if this is significant, but the drop down tab in the picture says "Amazon Instant Video", and on my amazon page the service is called "Video On Demand". Wonder if this is a different region (ie Canada vs US) or just a selective roll-out.

@TehBeardMan: I tunes U = the shit. I'm new to programming(med student by education, so just doing CS as a hobby), so I just jumped into cs106a after reading Head First Programming, and it's been really helpful. Hoping to eventually work my way up the programming ladder to do iphone apps.

@WestwoodDenizen: There's a reason that Sparks doesn't have caffeine anymore. The uproar was a bit quieter, but there were enough complaints and threats of action against the company that they and Tilt took the caffeine out. I think the response was bigger in the case of 4loko because of the higher alcohol content

I feel like a 2.75" diameter rocket sets up well for an "in my pants" joke, but the 10 lb payload could get a bit too messy.

Anyone else notice the lightsaber on the top shelf, right under the .50 cal, to top of the collection?

Pretty much have been playing Mass Effect 2 since I bought it on Tuesday, and haven't stopped in my free time. Probably will continue this over the weekend. I'm definitely the overly cautious type, going through all the possible questions before ending dialogues, searching every area, etc, so it's taking a lot longer

@Whitson Gordon: Sweet, thanks. Guess it's time to order a new USB drive!

So is there any way with this to have it boot to snow leopard with personal programs already installed? For instance, if I wanted to work with Xcode on my PC laptop on the go (don't have a macbook, just a mini), would I have to boot and reinstall the 3.5 gig application each time?

I wonder if they will be completely written out of the code or just disabled. If they are disabled, seems like a quick jailbreak tweak could reactivate them.