@Brak: Need to connect to Xcode and enable it as a device to be used for development. (can't take credit for this myself. found it at: [www.tipb.com]
@Brak: Need to connect to Xcode and enable it as a device to be used for development. (can't take credit for this myself. found it at: [www.tipb.com]
I think it would be cool to have a bathtub that was overflowing with water all the time, just like an infinity edge pool.
@cinnamonster: Definitely. Even as an iOS user, I really want to see some WP7 apps featured so I can figure out if the switch would ever be reasonable or not. Android apps good too for the same reason, otherwise the change would be too much of a gamble.
@/dev/nall: Agreed, steam is the first thing that comes to my mind when I see many of the negative comments about the app store. No one seems to complain about devs going there to have their games sold. It's the ultimate in paying to eliminate the guess-work around budgeting for overhead costs.
Most annoying part of the process? Having to go through about 5 log-in / licensing agreement screens just to "purchase" the free Evernote application. Hoping that's not a regular occurance.
@benkulbertis: Napalm and Agent Orange! Wait no, that's kudzu :)
@haxorknight: Just in my brief look around, what some devs have done is link to their websites where demos/betas are available in the app description. They just have to host it themselves.
How resource intense is this to have running at all times? I'm guessing no big deal for the mac pros or even iMacs, but would it slow down a mini w/ only 2GB ram?
@whatne1wuddo: "For example, you can scroll through scrollbar-less frames on the occasion you end up on a web site that doesn't want to cooperate." I think that's what he's referring to, which is an issue I sometimes find. Frames within websites that allow scrolling often don't work on Safari, so maybe they work on…
@smcallah: Right, but there are dozens of devices that can access hulu plus very well. Msft's advantage would be to, as a huge company, make the content providers certify their box as a "computer" and allow access. That would be the only thing that would convince people like me to buy it rather than relegating my mac…
I always am disappointed with the "starting at" price with no specified specs, since the biggest headline of a 10 second boot seems to require the SSD, which I am guessing will be left out of the base model.
I prefer my oympus stylus touch to grab pics like this: [img227.imageshack.us]
Only big selling point for this would be if they can set it up/market it to entertainment companies such that it won't be blocked by sites like hulu/nbc, etc. Otherwise can't see it setting itself apart.
@Liam: "2nd Generation Intel® CoreTM i5 processor" Yep, the 2nd gen = SB. They weren't exactly clear on that though.
1. Looks like a sweet computer, but wondering what you actually get for $700 vs the max stats boasted in the press release
Working on learning image editing and drawing in GIMP. This might speed up my effort to develop some actual eye for color.
@CorporalMaxSterling: If I'm going to start experimenting with linux (which I eventually will), I'll do it on one of the old laptops sitting around my house now. But I have too many ongoing projects already to undertake converting to linux now.
If I ever get another Windows laptop, I don't think I can leave the lenovo brand simply because of the nipple mouse and the fact that I'm writing this on one after 4 years and multiple spills directly on the keyboard. These might be a good option in a reasonable price range. This one was required by school and…
Watched a local channel that alternated between the NYC crystal ball and the Raleigh giant acorn. Would have much rather seen a possum though. Favorite road name around my college was Possum Hollow Road, and my family feeds a possum on our back porch most nights. Fun animals to watch.
Went there while visiting the GF in Cambridge (it's about a 1.5 mile walk from Harvard). Cool theme and decor, but crowded, pretty expensive, and not terribly special food/beer. Good thing to see once, but prob wouldn't make a bunch of repeat trips.