crouching tiger

The Shoshone who live there didn't call it Death Valley...

One hot-as-balls summer in AZ, I talked to a guy from Kuwait who said he didn't like the dry heat and missed the humidity and heat from home. Literally the first person I've met or even heard of who believes that.

My wife monitored burrowing owls in AZ and CA. Brutal fieldwork, but fortunately she could take the middle of the day off.

Mark's Showplace was very Maine: topless donut shop. I never went, but saw enough bumper stickers on trucks owned by the local lobstermen.

I’m in western Maine so probably haven’t seen you on the road. I did see a Maine plate yesterday that said PB4UGO, which I guess will also get pulled by the state?

The USCG used to maintain a lot more navigational aids, but they found that more boring than patrolling off of South America or whatever the fuck they do after their incorporation into Homeland Security.

They're showing up here again! Lots of MA plates here in the mountains. One thing that's different is how many outright shitboxes with MA plates I'm seeing. Like, cars that I'm surprised made the drive. 

Glad you mentioned this. Hickory is hands down the most confusing city to navigate that I’ve ever been in. And that was way pre-GPS.

That's the way to do it. We have rooftop PV in Maine, and we make a tremendous amount of electricity. Our next car will be an EV that can serve as battery backup for the house, no question.

In Tucson, we even got those in refillable bottles. Suck it, Republicans!

I would love this. I'd just ski constantly.

I'm a college professor, and I think sometimes about the shit that coaches get away with that would get me fired in an instant. Why do we tolerate that sort of abuse in sports?

With a transparent hood, you could peek through the grille!

Overcharging some people still isn't right, though.

Rolling fees over is unfair to the people who pay more than their share.

Given how many Harley riders are insurance salesmen, that seems pretty likely.

I was on a road rode once and someone’s 110+ psi tire blew out. I thought we were being shot at. Not an unreasonable supposition in Arizona...

Sure, electric baseboards are stupid. Heat pumps are the way to go.

Mainer here. Tons of people are moving to heat pumps. In part because now there's a need for summer cooling. They are fantastic and work even in very cold temps. I power mine using grid toed rooftop PV.

It's a conjunction, Monsterajr probably got autocorrected