crouching tiger

Kristi Noem just put down a deposit.

Get a grip. BMW turn signal engineers manage to keep it together. Be more like them. 

Putty! Yes, thank you! I’ve been saying these colors look like they were mixed with sand, but it didn’t seem accurate. And BTW, I assume everyone has seen this right?

Eating lunch while reading a Jalopnik article that drew heavily from Devil Wears Prada was not even on my *wildest* gay bingo card for 2024. What a delight, even if the paint jobs are bleak lol

Step 1: Obtain a 2 door of this, in orange, with the normal roof

The Harley Davidson business model. 

The silver lining of this is that by making a car that will be repulsive to their current fan base because it’s not a Hemi V8, and then choosing to advertise it in a way that is repulsive to most people actually interested in EVs, they are setting themselves up for a third customer base: People super excited to buy a

Yeah I wonder how they will get to the ‘electric cars take six days to charge, the battery only lasts two years and they have a 50 mile range’ folks 

Edited from the final cut for time reasons: As he drives back to the future the camera zooms to a closeup of the rear window where there is a decal of Calvin pissing on a Prius.

It’s the car they* didnt want you** to have.

Or ask Australia their thoughts on the matter. They are developing / have developed microgrids with batteries located as consumer residences, and then large scale battery fields that take the place of peaker plants.

Not only will EVs get better over time, but so will the power grid. In just March of this year, the US hit an all-time record of 18% of the entire country’s electricity generated by wind and solar. Personally I normally generate all of mine with solar, and in times when I don’t, I trade renewable energy credits, so

Now playing

Current EVs are far cleaner over their lifespan by every measure. Engineering Explained has a better video explaining it. People ignore all of the oil production, farming for corn for ethanol and all the ancillary stuff for ICE that they try to cram in when comparing an EV. Getting Oil out of the ground, processing it

Unless I missed it, this doesn’t seem to account for building the BMW. Just because it doesn’t have a huge battery it doesn’t make manufacturing process CO2 free.

if he hasn’t already, I hope John Oliver tears into this one.  That a corporation could imprison someone whom they saw as an “enemy” is mind-blowing.  He’ll probably sue them and get them to settle for a few million bucks that they won’t ever miss but they will have gotten their message out.

I love the notion of getting to learn antique, dark age and medieval systems by hands-on work with them. History is best learned via experience.

Interesting that he implies that President Biden has some sort of cognitive dysfunction even though there’s no indication of that, while his predecessor in office (despite his self-reportedly amazing showing with man/woman/person/camera/tv) was the one who not only showed not-insignificant signs of such a decline, but

Way back in Feb 2020 we were actually having a really bad flu year on top of  covid starting global spread.  I told my boss’s boss we should have a nice shutdown every February because so many people were out sick, and February sucks ass anyway.  

Thank you William Joseph “Wild Bill” Donovan! Your legacy of global meddling is intact!