crouching tiger

If you're talking about the hot sauce, then yes you're also right.

What Soviets? Are you from the past by any chance?

I filled in the blank as “Willing Accomplices to Child Rape” in this particular case.

Also: Twitter didn't exist when I was 23, thankfully.

I hope they blame TrumPutin and Cornyn.

Yes, good point. I live in Maine and while I think our backcountry deaths are much lower, people do die at the resorts fairly frequently.

That must have been so traumatic. I can't even imagine what having a classmate die on the field would be like.

TrumPutin has syphilis.

Mmmm, smart move, soccer. I can see why dispensing with a handshake immediately before running hard for 90 minutes and making a lot of physical contact would totally protect the players.

It allows one to speak authoritatively for “Real ‘Muricans.”

I wonder if the fact of the Vatican state matters in whether RICO can apply.

Does Mexico extradict to the US? I would think the Mexican authorities would be happy to rid themselves of a likely child molester.

Lots of sports have a narrow window of risk. Bobsledders have had their heads crushed. Skiers die every so often. Auto “sports” have a lot of fatalities. Boxing and MMA seem quite risky.

Amazon should pay taxes.

I live near the Stanley Museum, and it's awesome.

I've lived in a border city, and can completely understand the toilet paper in trashcans. If you come from a place where the sewers or septic can't handle flushing paper, then you go with what you know.

That story is unreal, and the ending is surprising.

This is the correct take.

Imagine if he'd also been EATING!!!1!

Cuccinelli is an illegal worker. The irony is delicious.