Troll, when will they execute the 4th cop who was there to shake down the drug dealers when his corrupt buddies got killed?
Troll, when will they execute the 4th cop who was there to shake down the drug dealers when his corrupt buddies got killed?
If the crooked cops were there on a shakedown, shouldn’t the surviving cop be put to death?
I left the hospital yesterday and went straight to vote. For Warren.
That’s my fear. And you can imagine how threatening Warren (and Sanders) is to a billionaire.
Good to know! I wasn't aware of that spending.
I hope Bloomberg does commit to pushing Democratic candidates.
News to me. Do you have a link?
See, that’s a great idea. Did anyone around Bloomberg ever suggest that? The effect would be huge in a state like Florida, with way less expense than a TV ad buy.
Buttigieg might literally be a CIA asset, though.
His resume is embarrassingly thin. He should never have been treated as a serious candidate, starting with launching a campaign without any policies or a platform at all.
Can confirm: these are delicious. The toppings are the crucial thing, and that's why certain people prefer Sonoran hotdogs from specific places.
If Bloomberg and Steyer had any sense, they’d have poured the same money they spent running for office into flipping the Senate and defeating McConnell.
I voted for Warren yesterday. If she weren't in the race, I'd have voted for Sanders.
Being not UK based, I’d have to look up the difference.
That perfectly encapsulates my parents and their Biden votes.
There was a priest retirement home in Jemez Springs, New Mexico. It was dedicated to housing the molester priests who were so egregious that they couldn’t just be shuffled around.
This sounds amazing. I’ve been shifting more of my meals over to vegan, and having a good travel option would be so wonderful!
Have you run across Maribel Alvarez’s work on the “sleeping Mexican” icon? It's fascinating, and it centers on that dichotomy (lazy/hardworking). Really worth a look if you haven't seen it.
No one steals jobs. Employers hire people.
Maybe when you learn to spell 4-letter words and can grasp punctuation?