crouching tiger

I’m a college professor, and the most valuable teaching and training we provide is in the realm of critical thinking, writing and formulating arguments, numerical literacy, and independent and group problem solving. You know, the stuff that businesses and employers actually want and value.

Why should insurance levels be a factor in this sort of settlement? If you abuse and allow abuse of hundreds of children, then the financial penalty SHOULD hurt!

Especially given that abuse like this might very well reduce athletic performance. Who's to say that people abused before the Olympics might not have made the team?

Fortunately, we have a primary in which we don't have to settle. Yet. I'm Blue no matter who(m), but am definitely voting my conscience in this week's primary.

Pictured: not a vegan

I live in Maine in the mountains and concur. Snow tires are essential. Studs? I've never bothered. 

It's true! Pants at their ankles at the urinal.

I care. He was running as an anti-government Republican, while trotting out his veteran status as some sort of credential and shield against his terrible judgement and obvious issues.

President Obama took the job seriously.

No one (looking at the pundit class here) should be calling for candidates to drop out of the endless, years-long primary after only several states have caucused/voted.

I’m voting for her in next week’s primary. She’s exactly who I want as president.

The only “moderates” saying anything like that are twitter bots, I'm convinced.

This is what vetting looks like, you out-of-touch billionaire.

Unless you're talking about the Estate Tax, in which case I say pry away.

If he ever voted, I hope they nail him for that. 

Kennedy is awful, but his takedown of a judicial nominee a few years ago was pretty masterful.

I love the new moniker for that fucking troll.

Good news indeed.

Oh, now there's a thought. I was only really picturing its sandpaper tongue, not claws-out kneading!

On reflection, that makes sense. Hopefully he spends the entire time handcuffed to his bed, with a cop standing at the door.