Why, though? Doesn't the jail have an infirmary?
Why, though? Doesn't the jail have an infirmary?
That’s one thing you’d think might be convincing to some of the garden variety white supremacists. Diversity is actually a sort of self preservation, and we're all better off when people have the opportunity to perform to the best of their abilities and talents.
Why, does that misspelling turn up some special results?
Yes! As impossible and uncomfortable as that sounds. I don't think she was lactating, btw, just nursing the cat.
Primary isn't over. 3 states have voted!
Not something that I observed personally, but I was on the flight that this allegedly occurred.
There is no such thing as a Maine blue crab. I’m from NC, live in Maine, and used to fish lobster commercially here.
He should have thrown his money at flipping 8-10 Senate seats. Maine, Kentucky, Arizona, and several more besides are well within reach.
We call those things “drunk filters.” They’re often at 4-way stops.
Ideally, neither!
I wish Bloomberg and Steyer would spend the same hundreds of millions of dollars on flipping the Senate. That would make a bigger difference than their ego tours.
To your last point, it sounds like some marriages.
That speaks to good observational skills, so you should feel impressed with yourself!
White question from a white state.
Thousands of Arizona State University students breathlessly await your determination!
It's salty wax. Is there even dairy in it?
Your story is confusing and intriguing. Tell us more!
Just a note: the judge was angry at the District Attorney, not the defense attorney. That threw me off for a moment.
I thought everyone knew this?
I always thought of RI as extra prone to using racial and ethnic slurs. And there’s the Swamp Yankee thing.