crouching tiger

Because then they couldn't blame minorities, refugees, asylees, and economic anxiety for their cultural and moral failings.

Kirsanow can write “whitely” without being white. Internalized white supremacy can do that.

I don’t have a source, unfortunately. This was before drilled wells we’re common, so people were largely drinking surface water or shallow groundwater from dug wells.

Well, it's not like the drinking water was safe.

There is an old mine in the Santa Rita mountains in southern Arizona called the Carrie Nation Mine. Not sure if it was ironically named, or reverentially.

When it comes to civil rights, what's a "moderate" stance?

I spin a hex wrench when I need exercise.

My sister lived in Uganda and would go to Rwanda every so often to renew a visa and to relax some. She said it’s amazingly beautiful, volcanoes and incredible farmland.

I’m a geographer also! And that line had me wondering if there was a Montreal, MA that I didn’t know about.

I doubt the judge is that good (or unbiased) a judge of character.

Also no mention of cargo space, trim level and various features, or other useful information that would be expected in any car review?

I certainly wouldn't provide insurance for that house.

Well, I was lowballing it. But snow tires and winter in mountain Maine really do cut down on mileage. I still get 45 mpg or better most days in winter, and 55+ in summer.

If only Jezebel had a sports-focused sister blog.

The difference is that you can charge up at night. A 300 mile range* means you have to stop at a gas station every so often. Weekly? Less frequently? Depends on usage.

So well deserved! I cannot wait to read these books.

Joseph Smith’s narrative preface to the Book of Mormon is a masterclass in persecution complex.

To show off their better-funded-than-average public school educations!

Centuries of common law would like to disagree.

Well, except Lurleen Wallace was her own woman and apparently less racist than George. And he's been dead a long time.