crouching tiger

The US has a wider set of climate conditions than does Europe, and that’s excluding Alaska.

I'm going to need 90 proof or better to think any longer on this nonsense.

I would respond like that, and my wife would NOT be amused.

True fact. Ever seen a lesbian with a college degree? No, because it’s all just youthful experimentation.

Maybe I’m a moron, but for some reason I was picturing a pit of corn on the cob, not kernels. On reflection, that makes a lot more sense.

You’re nicer than I am. I figured it had to do with about 500 Italian-Americans with high school diplomas needing jobs.

How many racist molecules can dance on the head of a pin?

The greys aren't joking.

I hope he does it, just so he can drown on the toilet at Mar A Loco.

Ponds aren't all at sea level. 10' of sea level rise is a LOT, and won't occur for decades at the soonest.

The post says they were trainees, so maybe they didn't have union protection yet?

Because those morons think that all coastal property is at sea level, or something equally stupid.

You're forgetting the "gotcha, Libtard!" canard about sea level rise being fake because the Obamas bought a property with coastal frontage. As though all of Martha's Vineyard is at sea level or some shit.

I’ve seen them referred to as ‘the Angreys’ back in the Gawker days


Yes! Not much of a benefit, but not nothing.

If anyone wants an interesting challenge, find a Harvard physics or math professor who published anything groundbreaking after the age of 50 (really, 40).

I wonder whether that bit about valuables from Holland getting carted off to Spain has anything to do with colonization by Spain?

Is it the same in Friesland?

As a grad student, I was the first in my dept to take parental leave. The dept chair wasn’t happy about it, but had the sense not to make an issue of it. Maybe she had some HR training or something.