HOAs are terrible, but these folks chose to live in a neighborhood with one.
HOAs are terrible, but these folks chose to live in a neighborhood with one.
Especially because the backlog of judicial nominees was all McTerrapin's fault.
Does connect-the-dot pornography count as a book?
Is polonium poisoning treatable?
I'd be too turned off by his weird cone head.
We live in a very strange country.
The way I read this, white collar crime (fraud, embezzlement, etc) could still be punished by prison time. As it should.
Huh. Legal in 15 states. I would have thought they’d banned it more thoroughly than that by now.
Same! Want more!
Nina, keep it coming!
You'd have to discount the Trump crime empire to think Uber is a bigger fraud.
Damn. The only thing that surprised me about his litany of crimes is that he apparently never represented Trump.
Kind of like traffic laws, possibly.
You had us nervous when you didn't post for a week or more as you worked on some projects. The fact that you were active on Twitter was reassuring.
Why is this sort of mismanagement rewarded? These morons are running a business into the ground, and apparently without consequence.
McRae's direct descendants aren't much more reconstructed, in my personal experience.
I’ll move back to head that effort up.
Wilmington has more than just a fountain named for Kenan. And if Wilmington were serious about taking the names of white supremacists and Confederates off of public monuments and streets, there will be a lot of territory to rename. Let’s do it.
Same with several members of the Garner family. Pantaleo and the NYPD are factors in those deaths as well.
No, that seems pretty unlikely. What I’m suggesting is that speeding, and especially way above the speed limit, is negligent (and obviously, in violation of the law).