crouching tiger

Newt, you got knocked the fuuuuuuck out!

I have seen him out trout fishing and checking a minnow trap on a remote lake in the Adirondacks.

We don't have any idea what the writer's dad thought about that interaction. 

It’s certainly interesting and gives insights into the diverse experience of people growing up in this fucked up country.

It sure will be weird when she dies unobserved in a jail cell.

Wow. That is intense.

‘exgirlfiend' is a great neologism

The genus is Ephedra, and I always assumed it contains the compound...

Credit is due to several plastic surgeons if we're keeping count over here.

Those fish wouldn't be legal in Maine. So much for sustainable fishing, asshole.

There is almost no chance this woman speaks Latvian. 

For me, that bridge too far was believing crazy bullshit.

I’m a fire ecologist. The best way to rid the forest floor of burnable debris is to burn it. Frequent, light fire is the cure.

This comment made me laugh. My 2 y.o. is so goddamn loud. It's to the point where I don't like to be in the car if she's fussy, because it makes my head ring. I sincerely think she's damaging my hearing!

Well, your experience could be used to predict why I don’t get that weird pushback from students as much. I’m a white man, and I have heard colleagues report much the same as you.

They're married to Jesus, so it's his fault if he can't keep them pregnant all the time like a good Catholic husband.

It’s also a stupid thought experiment. He seems to believe that because so many family trees have children conceived by rape and incest, that if you subtract out those people and their descendents we’d have no people on Earth today.

Talk about shitty pump design: some of those fucking things don’t even have the mute button labeled.

And yet that describes many Israeli Jews.
