crouching tiger

I had a paper straw the other day. It worked fine. Through an entire meal and several refills. Not sure what the objection to the straws is. Maybe this one was amazingly well manufactured?


What you fail to understand is that ICE drivers are so anxious about fuel levels that they top off on the way home every day. That way, they could drive 300-350 miles on a whim if they wanted to.

They should charge him for the cost of the investigation. Or is Smollett the only one in that boat?

Right. And sometimes bartenders are BUSY!

He could be a lawyer, based on that description.


You're punching up. Making fun of IVF clinics is totally fine in my book.

You nailed it.

Not only that, but some colleges (mine included) dropped their standards so fewer men failed out and had to go to Vietnam.

A few years ago, my grandfather was writing his memoirs, and requested his transcripts from Duke so he could fact check his recollections of his academic performance. My grandfather was fairly vocal about his achievements and professional attainment.

I've seen overbuilt gym rats wearing mesh tank tops with gigantic arm holes on planes. Essentially shirtless. They were white (orange, actually), and I assume weren't required to put on a real shirt before flying.

Putin could have totally cucked Trump. It would explain recent US-Russia relations.

I used to see these white assholes at Guero Canelo with pistols. I never understood the paranoia. 

Personally, I LOVE it. This is ridiculous beyond belief, and I could never have dreamt up such a thing.

Maine just passed this law also. Finest kind!

But is Nike really going to pull out bc of the loss of a small incentive?

It’s not that early in terms of onset. TrumPutin is 73 (I had to look it up bc fuck that guy).

I want to see his birth certificate. 27?!?

Kudos! That's a great feeling, and I appreciate the Good Humor about it.