You were *this close* to landing that joke.
You were *this close* to landing that joke.
Off topic, but I love your username.
You do not have to replace your solar panels after 15 years. Who told you that?
So perfect that a green box truck ends up inside a semi trailer!
He's lucky he can grow a beard over the scars!
If you miss the ball probably goes out, but beyond that it's good. Same with throwing at a base runner.
I hope you’re wrong. I’m finding optimism about US politics and policy increasingly hard to muster.
Your non sequitur didn't really have a point.
Fortunately for you (?), Amash is merely becoming a Libertarian. Not a lefty in the slightest.
The US has deported a large number of citizens, and a larger number of resident aliens. All here legally, obvs, and with little legal recourse
I don't live there, so I'll take you at your word. What I see is that nearly all road users break whatever laws they feel safe doing so.
I fantasize about carrying a Dremel with a valve cover attachment to rapidly flatten the tires of those chumps.
Well, same. I’ve bike commuted for years with no collisions.
I never saw anyone on ski blades who wasn't a chubby pre-teen.
Thanks for the reply. I’ve used a tele board, but that seems like a novelty and I haven’t seen one for years now.
The Catch-22 being that citizens cannot possibly determine who is a citizen or not.
Dr. Warren is presumably not in any position to verify the immigration status of people he runs across. He's merely a good Samaritan helping people in distress.
Arizona's constitution expressly forbids gifts to corporations, so I bet it would stand up in court. Corporate giveaways are illegal, if common in Arizona.
Even if he ODs?
The museum seems to be deliberately missing the point. And not to have a great working definition of concentration camp.