crouching tiger

Central Maine Power is completely unable to send accurate monthly bills. They overcharge and levy erroneous fees. They routinely “forget” to read meters if solar customers are generating power (but they sell that electricity). CMP must be one of the worst companies in the US.

Why don't more people understand this?

Well, and even classical music is full of theft. Think about all those folk songs various composers "discovered" and claimed. 

If that's what even happened. Who knows? This story is confusing as hell.

“Do what you love, and you'll never work a day in your life."

Charge the Klan for the protection they required.

But, socialism? It certainly sounds nice. I live in Maine and we look with envy across the border.

This winter, I saw people (students of mine) getting sedans stuck on lakes in Maine. As you say, they worked it out. I think that on some level, Mainers have better problem solving skills than people from CA or NV.

Central New York State? Long Island? San Diego suburbs?

That's an amazing gif. And it really drives home why subway cars are electrified. 

I don’t give a fuck if I see someone’s underwear. That’s what underwear is for: to cover your ass and genitals.

Well, that and "jury of his peers"...

10/10 would read

This article needed at least a mention of Tomato Troll.

All the anarchists I know are far too pragmatic for shit like that.

Jack Ketch was a great feature. I miss that.

Why O'Connor? She's barely interesting, and many of her judicial opinions were garbage. Thanks for GWB, bish.

Those folks who were bribing their children into college were taking spots specifically from deserving people like this.

Also, Karma has much longer fingers than that dotard.

“SAT Contextual Index” or similar would also work. They should know that saying score invites comparison to the SAT results.