Tis seems like a reasonable question. It's coercive, obviously, but I guess that's what courts are about. A GED isn't a bad thing to have, but it also seems irrelevant to this woman's alleged misdeed.
Tis seems like a reasonable question. It's coercive, obviously, but I guess that's what courts are about. A GED isn't a bad thing to have, but it also seems irrelevant to this woman's alleged misdeed.
I’d have worn a cop costume.
Damn, that'd be a good bumper sticker.
White nonsense.
I really value The Root in part because of the fact that you highlight people like Unita Blackwell, of whom I hadn't previously heard. She was truly remarkable.
I support this as a broader effort to take apart the Electoral College, but I do wish Maine could keep splitting electoral votes by congressional district. If more places did that, we’d see campaigning in places that candidates don’t go to often.
srsly. I'm at a poor university. We use R.
“the Trump National Doral resort in Miami has suffered a 69 percent loss in net operating income"
I just read (because I’ll be assigning it next year in a college class) a book that credits the author’s wife with typing every word and revision of his dissertation into a computer terminal. You have to read between the lines to also get that she was pregnant and then caring for a small child while doing this work…
Beyond the Pale. Another phrase with resonance to Jews.
Those are real products? Gross.
Funding from those banks and investment houses is a fantastic idea. They bear responsibility for the horrors of slavery and its aftermath, and unlike any actual people, some of the firms from that time are probably still in existence.
No one is forcing this lawyer to take on Weinstein as a client. He's making a choice about what sort of employment he's going to enjoy: certain positions at Harvard, or a legal team.
Ever met a sheriff's deputy or a prison guard? There's your answer.
You rent a house, not a home.
2 Pump Trump
My gym teacher was a molester like this priest. All the students knew, in that intuitive way kids have. I was angered to learn, once in college, that my parents and I assume essentially all the other adults actually knew of his past (impregnated a freshman and acted creepy all the time).
She's holding a GIGANTIC bike frame.
All the facts that Michael Harriot cites about black college graduates earning the same as white high school graduates, etc, is also likely a factor in why schools like Wilberforce don’t have the financial backstop of a large endowment. If it weren’t for many decades of structural racism, this university would almost…
Vampire Weekend goes on tour in a Camry.