crouching tiger

Dinesh D'Souza will always be an ex-felon to me.

I know a few cigarette smokers...

It's very...Old Testament biblical.

Obviously. She spent 5 minutes on the phone worrying about her future rather than rendering first aid while the innocent man whose apartment she broke into died.

You don't want to say Mazda and road salt in the same sentence.

I completely agree about the Volt and Pacifica. I’ve seen Volts in deeply rural Arizona, hours from an outlet. Obviously, no range issues. And think about how many people drive <30 miles/day. As you say, these are great solutions.

Rhode Island.

I think he never read it. (Illiteracy is not an excuse for keeping that stuff around.)

I have never seen an adequate answer to this question.

My grandparents tried to abort my mom (their eldest). No hard feelings, though! She and her siblings had a great childhood.

Why use outmoded racial terminology, though? Especially since Jewish people span many races. Anti-Jewish is a much less loaded and confusing term.

Thank you for saying this.

FreeTaxUSA is free and good, but they do charge like $12 for state returns.

I don’t see how this century-long abuse cover-up couldn’t shake the faith of someone like Dolan.

Harder Than Your Husband is an amazing and catchy song also.

Careful, there. You'll be pilloried into apologizing for that criticism of Israel.

Isn’t it also likely that the prosecutors now know more about her misdeeds (beyond shooting Botham Shem John in his own home)? For example, they may now know that she stole drugs from evidence, lied under oath before, was drunk and high at work, etc.

I’m too young to have seen Zappa live, but if I could see any act living or dead, it would absolutely be Zappa.

Lynyrd Skynyrd. North Carolina. A man dropping popcorn down the shirt of the woman he was with, then fishing it out and eating it.

Crazy white people are scary. No joke.