
Sansa annoyed me simply because she’s lecturing Jon on his underestimation of the enemy and offering very little in advice, especially when she has a frickin’ army on its way preparing to Gandalf Ramsay’s arsehole. Her argument was basically “you are so fucked, and yea I got nothing.” This is after she convinced a guy

We should be talking about gun control. We should be talking about revamping our gun laws, and addressing our gun culture.

So you’re telling me that an advocacy group that spends $223k per year (placing them well, well down the list of political spending) is influencing these recipients to the point where they’ll forego protecting their constituents and dismiss their own principles? When there are billions upon billions of dollars being

Yea, I think you’re on to something there. The show is really hyping Jaime’s love of Cersei, but she appears to be ready to downward spiral in a real hurry. So he will likely be faced with a choice he doesn’t want to make, either once he learns of her affair with Lancel at the trial or when she tries to burn the whole

I still think the judgment was appropriate, and that you guys done fucked up. But I don’t want you to go, and Deadspin has been my go-to website since its inception. You do good work, and I hope it continues.

If the target was Sandor, they’re pretty lazy. Not like he was that far away.

I’m also torn as to whether book people want Lady Stoneheart to appear because they love the character, or because it’s the last morsel of knowledge they wield over us inferior show-watchers.

They managed to disrupt Sandor Clegane’s fragile respite by massacring Brother Ray and his entire congregation

If he’s going to take orders this literally don’t be surprised when the coaching staff tells him to “break a leg” before taking the field Week 1.

Wow. This. Very much this.

I’m not sure what bothers me more - the guy on the right who looks like a Hawaiian Tropic bottle, or the dingus in the middle who looks like a human photoshop.

I have to say - Burneko is simultaneously the most entertaining writer on this website and also a major asshat. I don’t know whether to love him or hate him. But damn it, I respect him.