
White woman married to black man and has black kids, defends a bigot then apologizes and feigns ignorance when called out. I’m oddly not surprised by this at all.

Would be nice if one could just be supportive without being accused of being insincere.

With all due respect, white liberals have been telling us that ‘few bad apples’ trope for the last 60 years.... which is why you were all so stunned at Trump’s victory. America is RACIST AS FUCK, we’ve been telling you so, now it’s time to stop telling us what we’re saying isn’t so bad. It fucking is.

Speak up, but be silent.

I think you’re (intentionally) misunderstanding what this article is actually saying.

There is no room for reasoned debate with unreasonable positions. We don’t give Nazis a platform either because just by being able to be there they’re being validated. The constant white american cry “reasoned debate” has resonated across the history of this country. “Well why can’t you be reasonable and accept

As a liberal, this looks no different to me than if an employee had circulated a memo postulating that black people were intellectually inferior and cited the “The Bell Curve”.

No one is upset with them for being rich, they are laughing at the hypocrisy of a wealthy person saying they are “deeply troubled that anyone would choose to take advantage of the situation”. You don’t get rich by NOT taking advantage of your fellow man, to some degree, yet they are taken aback by someone

It’s not about what is and isn’t work, it’s about what is and isn’t employment. A person running a daycare— even one out of their home— deals with clients, employees, licenses and permits, payroll, marketing, hiring and firing, health department inspections, etc.  Being a parent doesn’t equate to running a daycare

Can you be fired from your parenting job for poor performance? That’s the difference. In the workforce, you have to answer to others’ expectations of you. If you are late to work every day and it has an effect on the business, at the minimum you’ll likely get spoken to about it. If your lateness is pervasive, you

YES. As a former hiring manager, I would RARELY consider those who listed being a parent under previous work experience. I get that some people learn new skills as a parent (though, really, you should have a firm grasp on problem solving, multi-tasking, and juggling multiple deadlines before bringing life into the

Understand, please, that whatever skills you may acquire doing normal parenting and adult activities in your personal life, your employer does not care. If you’ve given up your work for them, even temporarily, you are less valuable that the one who has stayed on. That is the reality of life.

The production is decent and I recognize their influence on other “hits” recently, but that doesn’t make this a good song. It’s terrible.

That whole clip made me giggle so loudly I scared the cat. But the DRAMA WOMAN. Oh lord. If that is not MOST of us inside I will eat the binoculars we use to spy on the neighbors party house.

I have never felt more at one with someone than I do with Drama Woman. The other day there was drama on the subway and I wanted to act like I wasn’t loving it but I must have failed because the person next to me gave me some serious side eye.

Damn. We are all I live for Drama woman.

White women win oscars all the time for not the great movies and okay performances. But yes the only reason Halle won because of white guilt.

I would add Emma Stone to your list.

Berry is not a great actress, but Monster’s Ball was a solid performance. It was neither the first or the last time the Best Actress statue was awarded to a middling but beautiful actress whose work was graded on a curve. Like if Julia Roberts, Sandra Bullock, and GOOP have Oscars, we don’t get to call out Halle like

I mean, it was probably Berry’s best performance, IMO. I don’t think she’s a great actress but maybe the other noms were shit that year.