
The clip wouldn’t load for me so I had to google for one. The one I saw makes it explicitly clear he started seeing this woman behind his wife’s back initially. And he didn’t tell New Wife he even had a wife until they had been seeing each other. WHAT A DERANGED ASSCLOWN. o_O

Probably depressing to realize you are just an object to your husband, and he will go out and pick up a newer model the minute you stop being fun.

If I had OCD and was repulsed by touch, my S.O. wouldn’t get another woman, whether I suggested it or not. I guess “calling the shots” wasn’t really the right way to put it. I should’ve said he is reaping the benefits here.

Doubt anyone will see this but as someone with OCD (and other serious medical ailments) I would surmise that severe OCD isn’t just Ellen’s problem. She definitely seems off, and I know that she hasn’t received therapy/treatment/meds for her issues, but I hope she will. This does look truly sad.

Bras are the worst.

Honestly, this is not polyamory. This is a case of a woman who is desperately in need of counseling.

“someone else died for reasons tied to you being involved with them”

My girlfriend and I were ambushed by her ex. She was shot 6 times and killed after I took the first round to the chest and was left for dead. The novelty dogtag I wore around my neck deflected a .357 round from less than 10 yds, sent it sideways through my chest cavity, where it exited and entered my arm and lodged in

That is fine teaching children about gun safety, but compounding that with not having guns in the house (such as storing them at a gun club, if you wished to own) be the safest route?

Guns are also used for sport and competition.

Even better - just don’t have guns. IF somebody is killed or maimed by a gun you have, the odds are overwhelming that it will be somebody you know an dnot a stranger-intruder.

Except that cars are not made to kill. If a gun goes off even accidentally, it does what its supposed to do, it just doesnt do it as you intended. A car is not intended to be a tool for destruction. Your comparison would work only if cars were created solely to harm others, which is the sole purpose of guns.

“Best way to avoid accidents with guns... Get a good gun safety education and get your CHILDREN to gun safety classes “

Best way to avoid accidents with guns... don’t have guns.

This shit right here is what should be front page news, instead of the circus that is Mr. Trump’s 3 a.m. tweetings. These assholes in charge should be shamed from coast to coast, with reporters constantly hounding them with queries on if they have located their souls yet and if they decided to actually help their

I thought you were going to make sense until you named numbers. If one person is making $4mil/annum and the other stays home, that’s one thing.

When you divide up chores, you have to let go. If you say “hey, you clean the bathroom and I’ll do laundry,” you cannot get pissed that the bathroom is not cleaned to your standards or feel slighted because you do a much better job of laundry than she does or the bathroom - and that you would do a better job cleaning

Hey, all of you that don’t want kids - that’s cool.

Every article like this I read puts me further and further and further away from wanting to have children, because the only positive thing you ever heard is “oh, it’s the most rewarding thing you can ever do!!” Really? REALLY?!

I wouldn’t complain if he just made this movie over and over again with slightly different settings and actors.