More akin to Witchers 1&2. The third game had notable now forgotten problems at launch (the texture pop-in was hilariously poor) but it sort of provided a rose-tinted view of CDPR’s history as they’re 3 for 4 in terms of fucking up launches.
More akin to Witchers 1&2. The third game had notable now forgotten problems at launch (the texture pop-in was hilariously poor) but it sort of provided a rose-tinted view of CDPR’s history as they’re 3 for 4 in terms of fucking up launches.
Isn’t this pretty much the same thing that happened with The Witcher 3? I got it years after launch, but I heard is was a mess that eventually got fixed up into the game that people rave about today.
Yep, and they also figured out that there’s a wide range of what women want. Everything from completely armored to armor bikini.
National Treasure is a bit off to the side in that it’s also vibing off Americana and the fun kind of conspiracy theories and a sort of tourist-y attitude that Indiana Jones and Uncharted/Tomb Raider don’t really have, though. It’s related but it’s not exactly the same thing.
Did anybody else find that Steph disappeared from their recommended an awful lot after revealing their true identity? Same for philosophy tube. Can’t tell if the algorithm thinks I’m some scumbag or it’s the real scumbag. I rectified the issue some months back and subscribed, but oh lordy I wish I could group…
Every generation of hardware is a risk for them. I think their issue is that Sony and MS are constantly in an arms race for more powerful consoles and for exclusive IP, but Nintendo owns Nintendo IP and therefore has more exclusive IP than anyone. Are Switch sales really going to increase that much more had they…
1. God of War was initially created specifically for a single console, and only later ported to the PC.
2. My point was not to suggest that multi-platform games can’t be good, but rather that Nintendo would have to compromise if they were gobbled up by a third party studio. It’s now not about solely appealing to people…
Capcom has fundamentally tried to not make Nintendo for the past two decades. Short of Mega Man 11, I’m hard pressed to see Nintendo greenlight any of Capcom’s recent releases themselves.
Agreed - even as someone who only played Shovel Knight and a bit of Plague Knight before deciding I was done with the whole thing, I respect the hell out of the studio for the dedication. They easily could’ve put out a few nominal updates to meet the stretch goals and rode into the sunset with their bags of money, but…
One day we will all collectively move beyond retro 8 bit graphics and get into gorgeous 16bit designs.
Yeah, they honestly could have put a lot less effort in and just skipped out with a lot more money a lot quicker while still technically having fulfilled their requirements, but instead they gave us 3 full fledged campaigns with fresh story, mechanics, and stages. The amount of effort they put toward making each…
My understanding is it's been less "milking the same cow" and more "our KS campaign was successful beyond our wildest dreams so we added a bunch of stretch goals that unexpectedly took years to work through".
Huh. That’s... a move certainly.
As far as I can tell, most sidequests in this game just arent worth doing. I can gather the materials for the rewards faster than it takes to do most of them.
Obviously for quests like the Shiny Ponyta and Sinnoh starters and whatever the whisp collectathon is leading up to are another story.
I’m really just pushing back on the “not every game is for everyone” idea as a defense.
Yeah, Celeste lets you slow the game down by X%, turn on 1-3 extra jumps, even make you totall invincible if you choose... But those are all optional, and because the options are fairly granular, you don’t have to make it easy—just easy enough. A relevant quote is, “A wheelchair ramp doesn’t ruin stairs, braille…
I think Ethan meant that From lags behind in offering accessibility options in general, not just difficulty levels. The issue is that most games aren’t very accessible in the first place, and difficult games are even worse. Difficulty options can make a game more *accessible* to people with a variety of disabilities.
FromSoftware’s titles are popular, so people who don’t enjoy them for what they are dislike the idea of not “keeping up” with those who do. Playing CRPGs isn’t considered “cool”, so this kind of discourse doesn’t tend to focus on them.
What, is this the Pokémon community all of a sudden? “Every new Pokemon game must include every Pokémon that has ever existed including all the new ones. They must all be given brand new models—we WILL count the polys in the mesh—and zero attacks and animations are allowed to be re-used, they must all be brand new.…
Majora’s Mask is considered by many to be the best Zelda game ever made, and it reused damned near every asset from Ocarina of Time.