
Oh that was *absolutely* Kraven.

This looks absolutely incredible, I am happy we finally got some information and gameplay. 

So... we all agree that was Kraven right?


Next can we get a Nightcrawler game?

I liked Saints Row 4 because it was ridiculous and silly but I’m also OK with them dialing it back for the reboot. There wasn’t anywhere else for the series to go so they are basically dialing back the crazy so they can potentially climb back up that ladder.

Incidentally Yakuza is one of my favorite series of all time. When it wants to go full on stupid it does it in a fun way but man when it decides to get serious it can make you tear up. Much of the wacky nonsense is kept to side activities and things like summons (in LaD) and the casually dumb stuff like Kiryu or

Honestly, aside from not seeing an overabundance of dildo bats, gimp suits, and hookers in any of the trailers, it still reminds me a whole lot of SR3 in terms of over-the-top action and cartoonish gang violence. Even this whole idea that the Saints are now a business/criminal empire / whatever you want to call it

I Saints Row 2 balanced the silliness while still keeping it grounded perfectly. Where the option to do insane, over the top nonsense is there like spray city blocks with poop but the city felt like a real place and likable characters.

I always loved that about The Division. In an intense firefight, when it takes too long to reload main gun, you switch to the pistol, which reloads faster and has unlimited ammo. With the right pistol, it’s absolutely devastating too.

It’s possible other devs are paying for licenses (which are frequently much cheaper than damages in a patent lawsuit). It’s far more common than you might think for companies to license their patents to their competitors.

I still wonder what makes people go ape shit about reviews. I sometimes read reviews whose writers pretty clearly didn’t understand the mechanics or don’t have a clue what they’re talking about and at worst I just shake my head and say “what a moron” to myself and move on with my day. Half the comments I write I erase

Honestly, I was kind of relieved to see that - I feel like a lot of ‘modern’ attempts to make a game in that classic JRPG formula tend to run way longer; closer to the hundred hour mark than to thirty-forty. (Actually, in general, I think way too many games aim for 100 hour playtime rather than 30-40.) I’ve got

They’ve added this measure temporarily multiple times in the past and it hasn’t ruined the game yet. It’s literally impossible for free-trial players to even play the game on most servers because of the hundreds of people standing around in Limsa all day. This is a good thing. 

Ash’s article got me back into FFXIV, so I’m here to just sings it praises.

FFXIV is the first MMO I’ve played, like really played, since Guild Wars 2. And my god is it a breath of fresh air. 100% worth every ounce of time I’ve put into it since March.

I mean it wouldn’t be a Phantasy Star game if the translation wasn’t wonky. 

Much of the Phantasy Star Online text makes me think that Sega had in-house localizers rather than hiring an outside localization company to smooth out the language in different regions. Some of the text just read awkwardly.

It’s a Japanese word play. ‘Dig’ in Japanese itself is ‘horu’, so without being immediately familiar with the name in this game I’m guessing that it was possibly written 掘るホール, horu horu. Which weirdly enough is also a specific term for those post tools that you use to shove into the ground to pull dirt out of. I’m

I mean I can get why people wouldn’t like it, but it’s not a turd. People need to really get off all the internet hyperbole. Just because something isn’t amazing doesn’t mean it is the complete opposite. Its ok for things to be good or even mediocre. FF13 is fine, maybe even good in some ways.

To be fair [mandatory Letterkenny “to be fai-uh”], the State of California has more people than the entire country of Canada so that’s not saying much....