
Not necessarily. Kids are more capable than you may think. Avatar: the Last Airbender tackled death, depression, war, and genocide. Didn’t stop kids from enjoying it. The Iron Giant explored the same concepts Vivi did. Kids like that too. I’m seeing a few comments from people who were kids when they first played FF9

Turns out I was in the 8-13 age range when I first played FFIX as a child all those years ago! I’m excited to see what they come up with, as the art direction and animation on their project “Giganotosaurus” is unique.
In the meantime, if anyone is looking to get their fill of some (unofficial) FFIX goodness, check out

Seriously though, this is EXACTLY what I’ve been wanting in order to share my love of Final Fantasy IX with my wife (a non-gamer who could only suffer through like 30 minutes of playing the game with me, even with my terrific voice acting).

ME:A wasnt even a bad game, people were mostly just upset it wasnt the Mass Effect game that they wanted.  It was a good game, but not a good Mass Effect Game

Gamepass is great for trying out games. Like, shit, Wasteland 3 was on it. I was interested in the game, but at $60, I wasn’t about to bite.

He shouldn’t apologize for this, Microsoft dropped a fat stack of cash to buy Bethesda, it makes sense they get at least one real exclusive out of the deal for Xbox.

I hope Bonnie Tyler is getting paid, this is the second trailer this week that’s used that song.

Having played and scoured those planets more than once in the past I have zero compunctions about pulling up a website full of maps of every unexplored world in ME1 so I can just drive straight to the points of interest.

Because when you see people openly grieving someone they’ve lost, it’s emotionally touching if you feel empathy for people who are sad.

AC Brotherhood and Mass Effect 3 are games that seem like their multiplayer modes would’ve been an easy solo side release.

I see a lot of commenters making the reasonable observation of: “This doesn’t make sense since you can access adult content through Safari anyway so why aren’t they liable for that?”

The anti-sexuality of today’s America is actually quite scary to see. Disregarding that they’re bringing up here for no reason and being stupid which is honestly a quite shameful display, what the hell does it matter if an adult chooses to buy and/or download adult content? What’s next, Pornhub not being

Except that the problem comes down to supply shortages, not lack of interest. People want to buy the thing, they just can’t (or don’t want to pay scalper prices).

I WANT to play this game more - but the crashes and stuck loading screen have made me ignore it and maybe permanently now... When I can just click any other single player game and Quick Resume on my xbox - it’s hard to take the gamble on Outriders and do the 5 minutes to log in and then possibly get dropped .... At

Dead Space is already way ahead of you with body language and body HUD. It’s such a shame that not many games incorporate these brilliant innovations.

Yup. About 6 years ago the Canadian dollar started taking a nosedive, and AAA game prices started going up in $5 increments until they hit $80 about a year later. A couple of years after that, the PlayStation Store even started to adjust the exchange rate on lower priced games, so a $20 indie title became $27, a $40

........look, if you've never played a Tales game you can just say that, it's better than swinging for the fences and then learning later that Tales games are NOT known for their angst. Also the spikey-haired thing just... what are we doing here?

This is a game where dying feels like a misstep more than an issue with the gameplay, and that’s a good good thing for looter shooters.

I feel ownership over my death, so I know what I need to do different next time. 

Scholar is the only healing class my tank/dps husband will play, because he gets it free for leveling Summoner. As someone who actually mains healer, I find Scholar to be the worst of the current three. It’s overly complicated when you’re actually needing to heal, while being mind-numbingly boring when you don’t. At

One of your allies, in an attempt to silence her, gives the order to have her shot.