
It was the memory cards that killed it. Had Sony used a standardized storage system and just coasted on software sales, they’d still be making games for it if not prepping for the launch of the Vita 2. Instead, they went the proprietary route with jacked up prices and no one bought into it.

I’ll go one further and say that DA2, flaws and all, is the best Dragon Age game. Part of that is because the other two are also extremely flawed games, even if people don’t want to admit it or those flaws didn’t bother them for whatever reason. But I feel like everything I love in Bioware games - deep, interesting

Left Hawke in the Fade exactly once. Could not deal with Varric’s broken heart. Also, Ash, have you ever read through the piece written by Mary Kirby (Varric’s writer)?  It is not what I expected but explains his sadness in DAI.

I had a blast with the demo. Gave off a huge paper mario TTYD esque vibe, in the exploration/ interaction throughout the environment and the turn based combat

It was more obvious in the thumbnail version of the header image that I clicked on to get here from the main page.

Poor use of kerning is shockingly prolific in logo design. I’m a designer and as soon as I started noticing it, it became impossible to un-see.

He believes that Enoch ends just beyond the mountains and forest, and that these act as natural barriers that warn humanity against venturing further. He believes the fungus in the forest and the monster in the mountains are nothing compared to the dragons that lie at the edges of the world.

Wizards has been doing a great job so far of diversifying their cast in a smooth and non-corporate way (if that makes sense). Reminds me a bit of Overwatch’s success in that area. I love having so many different characters to play with.

MtG is also a great game for highschoolers-- it’s full of strategy and creativity.

when it’s not tossing annoying snipers at you

i will be there. twety was a game that on paper i should have despised (hell, having Nomura involved was an automatic 20 pt deduction), but every element worked together to make what looked like a flaming car accident of asinine anime cliches into something beautiful, deep and meaningful.

Also, All Might finally made me realize why people love Superman. I wished DC went back to that, a Superman that is like All-Might, an honest embodiment of heroism and courage, rather than the cynical “edgy” versions we’ve been flooded by recently (Synder, Injustice, etc.).

SO MUCH NEWS! A Kamen Rider W anime (and it’s coming over here), Ryuki and Zero-One streaming, a Zero-One physical release! We fans better not fuck this up like we did Garo. Those live action releases from Kraken are out of print and just plain dead because not enough people bought them.

As with anything Anno creates, I’m excited to see it. I just hope they’re accessible here in North America. Given Godzilla’s popularity in the US, I totally get why Shin Godzilla was released here, but I’m skeptical that studios will commit to localizing Shin Ultraman and Shin Kamen Rider.

No, next will be Shin Super Sentai.

...Then, he will make Shin Godzilla x Shin Ultraman x Shin Kamen Rider x Shin Super Sentai.

Hideaki Anno is living his life’s dream right now. ever since he was in high school he’s been wanting to work on projects like this. it’s amazing seeing him finally achieve his goals.

It makes me hopeful for the “Shin Universe,” like the MCU.

Patience! We’ll get there. ;)

So... Does this mean that the next film will be Shin Godzilla X Shin Ultraman X Shin Kamen Rider?

It’s less about “know how” and more about having used less proprietary hardware right from the start, which helps considerably in making things backward compatible. Meanwhile the Cell architecture has made a good PS3 emulator hard to realize even on PC, and Nintendo has only come around to less proprietary hardware