
I watched it last night. It’s better in the sense that it actually gives the characters motivation for doing what they do. Especially Steppenwolf, Cyborg, and Flash. A lot of overindulgence though. A lot. If I had film editing software and a tool to reverse slow motion scenes, I could probably cut at least an hour out

This game has really tripled down on the same vibe that Astral Chain had. I’m definitely interested.

Did you play Liberation? The way they used Aveline’s persona-swapping in that game was underused and I wish they’d done more with it.

You only need to know a few things about the Crystal Tower stuff.
1) Nero is awesome
2) Allagans were big assholes and even bigger Yoshitako Amano fans
3) You left a Catboi in the shiny tower

Your thumbnail had me worried that you were about to put Raubahn in the category of “Ain’t Shit”, and I was getting ready to square up and fight for my dude, but fortunately that was not the case.

So the slider may be gone, but you can still purchase items to stop enemies from chasing you around the map. This essentially lets you ignore all the enemies in a dungeon, even if it’s a less elegant solution that simply turning the slider down to zero.

At the same time, the dungeons themselves get to be fairly long,

On one hand, I have to wonder if you’ve played the previous Bravely games, as what you’re describing in terms of combat leans pretty close to those, if not an evolution, in the sense that this game may be designed specifically for those of us who had fun taking out the downloadable bosses in the previous games (which

I bought it during a cheap sale last summer for $5 hoping it got a revamp. Oh well. If the rollout for the Mass Effect Remaster has any problems, I don’t see how Bioware survives. They blew two huge game launches in a row. That would finish a lot of studios.

Too bad. I actually really enjoyed the game and thought the mechanics were good, though I also think it would have been much better as a single-player or not-live-service game - most of its problems were around loot or ever-increasing difficulty that made some core game mechanics not work or certain abilities just

I noticed it and thought they added lines. Then found out they changed everything. I think it only feels off because we’ve gotten used to the old one so much. It’s far-fetched but the director or someone higher might have thought that Xinyan and Barbara sound too similar, since they’re voiced by the same person, that

True. I do want them to roll back Barb’s voice - it was honestly cuter when it was a little raspy and super energetic instead of the generic moe blob they’re trying to go for - but I ain’t gonna harass a VA over it. Instead I’ll just generally bitch about it into the ether like a normal person.

I feel bad for her. She also got a ton of crap last year for voicing Mami in Rent-a-Girlfriend (people were mad at her because of Mami’s actions in the show...).

I honestly don’t get what the problem is with giving players more ways to customize their Femshep in ME1. The original options for Femshep were horribly lacking. Also, why wouldn’t she be able to wear make up? She lives on the Normandy, not some army camp in Afghanistan.

agreed. im not a fan of the new lines at all but harassing the VA for that, especially when she has zero control over what she was directed to do, is a big NO.

Oh man, I unironically love this. And it’s just dumb enough to make perfect sense in the RE franchise.

Yeah, RE Engine has been looking great on PS4/Xbox One so I’m not terribly concerned. Also, look, I’m not saying it’s perfect but considering how well Monster Hunter Rise seems to run on the Switch I think it’s safe to say that the RE Engine is both flexible and the devs have a good handle on it so hopefully the older

To be honest, I am actually surprised about how well written most of this game is, there are several missions I absolutely loved, specially the legendary missions, this one and Venti’s mission were great, Ganyu’s too, also, that one mission where a dude impersonates a legendary adventurer, I did not see that one

I don’t know why it should be all that surprising. While the Musou underpinnings of Dragon Quest Heroes were evident, both installments still felt like every bit the ARPG. (As opposed to the re-skinned Warriors where you fight slimes instead of Yellow Turbans that many were expecting.)

I hate the “science says people like spoilers” argument, because it completely misses the point: that, while one can replay an experience as many times as they like, they can only go in fresh once. Spoiling a twist denies the reader half of the experience.

The part that really kills me is that if they had given the game another year, which it needed for bug fixes anyway, it would have gone down a lot smoother if they announced they were scrapping the last-gen versions. Sure, a percentage of preorders who hadn’t upgraded their console yet might be miffed, but I’d bet it